2nd Career Nursing Program? Please Help!

<p>I'm supposed to be applying to MSW Programs this fall and will be graduating next May from Purdue--yet suddenly, I've had a change of heart with the degree I want to pursue!</p>

<p>I am currently studying child development/social work and psychology. I have always wanted to do something helping children, so for the longest time I've thought I wanted to be on the track of counseling therapy. Then I thought, why not go the medical route and try medical family therapy or child life? So I've been volunteering on the peds floor of a hospital this summer, and suddenly I've found myself considering a career in nursing (which is funny, because when I was way younger, my first 'career choice' was to be a PICU Nurse--but then the thought of administering IV's freaked me out as a child, so I dropped it and never thought about it much again til now).</p>

<p>My question is, in order for me to now become an RN, would it be best to graduate with my current degree and seek a BSN program either somewhere else or at the same school? Would this degree have been a waste of my 4 years? </p>

<p>I'm suddenly so lost--I only wish I had begun volunteering in hospitals years ago so I would have realized this then, instead of just short of graduation. Don't get me wrong--I love my current major, and I love what I've learned, I feel it's very applicable to many jobs. And I do know I would be happy being a medical family therapist or child life specialist, and I feel I could even apply the skills I've learned to nursing somehow--however, I just suddenly find myself wanting to do more and go even deeper into the medical field.</p>

<p>Any suggestions or advice about doing some kind of 2nd Career or Accelerated Nursing Program would be great! Thank you so, so much!</p>

<p>list of schools with Accelerated Programs:
<a href=“http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Education/pdf/APLIST.PDF[/url]”>http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Education/pdf/APLIST.PDF&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you SO much–this has been a great resource for me!</p>