2nd half of r&c course

<p>if you passed the university analytical writing placement exam, that satisfies the 1st half of the r&c course</p>

<p>so when adding freshman courses, i just need to pick something from the 2nd half r&c course list, right?</p>

<p>sorry if this is a dumb question</p>

<p>Passing the AWPE fulfills the UC Entry Level Writing Req. (which means you don't have to take the SIX UNIT writing class) It does not fulfill the first half of the RC requirement. That means you need to take RC "A" and "B" still unless you pass AP English or something.</p>

<p>AWPE only skips the "subject A" writing rqrt. To skip R&C A requires 5 on engl Lang or 4 on eng lit AP. 5 on engl lit also skips R&C B.</p>

<p>IB English A1 HL w/ 5, 6, or & = Skip R&C A and B
AP English Language w/ 4 or 5 = Skip R&C A
AP English Literature w/ 4 = Skip R&C A
AP English Literature w/ 5 = Skip R&C A and B</p>

<p>okay so i signed up for theater r1a.... that satisfies the first half right
then i need to take r1b to satisfy the second half?</p>

<p>so are the courses listed under "courses that satisfy the 2nd half of r&c" just different classes to take to satisfy the 2nd half other than theater r1b in this case?</p>

<p>Yup. You can mix and match any "A" course with any "B" course.</p>

<p>(like, german r5a, and then english r1b)</p>

<p>Careful though, you should refer to your college's handbook. Which AP classes satisfy which halves of the R&C req. differ for each college I think. For example I'm in Engineering and a 4 or 5 on AP Lit only satisfies the first half of the R&C.</p>