2ND Journey toward USC begins...

<p>Well the drop in grades isn't good but hey your grades arent god awful. </p>

<p>There is one thing I didnt catch onto before that may hurt you though. The fact that you took a lighter load this semester and arent doing as well might make it seem like you're slacking a bit. </p>

<p>Don't worry too much man you've done all you can. I'm sort of in the same boat as you since I didn't do as hot my last semester (all was well except the D in bio .) I started to obsess over SC admissions about a month ago and searched for last years transfer thread and some one who was asked for spring grades was admitted into Marshall even though he recieved a D in Calc! and that was a core class for him. Although he retook it in the summer and got an A, they accepted him before he completed his summer class. </p>

<p>Chin up man, Things could be alot worse :)</p>


<p>where did you see that?</p>

<p>I think a grade explanation-not justification-is def. in order. Remember, they hear a lot of stories of students who have health or family problems. Some schools maintain that they are interested in how a student handles adversity and disappointment. USC seems to be one of the few schools that mean it. Re. computer grade. What were your grades in the class? If the numbers don't add up, and your prof. won't discuss it, then tell USC just that. Also indicate that you made many attempts to talk to the prof. to see how you could have improved your final grade. If you saved the email he sent you refusing to discuss it, print it out. You may need to appeal the grade. Because you were not sick the entire semester you are going to have to convince USC that it was bad timing- during finals which cost you in all your classes. Admissions offices these days no longer care how much you want to go to their school. I know college counselors are still telling kids to emphasize their interest. Your letter explaining your grade drop will convey that you care what they are thinking and that you remain interested in going to USC. Good luck!</p>

<p>college girl, I read it in last year's USC transfer thread. Search for it and you'll find it.</p>

<p>Someone really got into Marshall with a D in a required pre-req class? </p>
