2nd Major for UIUC


I am a Senior doing my college applications and I had a question about my 2nd major at UIUC. I am applying Business Unaffiliated at UIUC for my first choice major and I was considering not choosing a 2nd major for UIUC. I think that I’m a pretty competitive applicant and that I have a high chance at UIUC. Do you think that I would get into UIUC with just Business Unaffiliated, I don’t know how competitive the program is.

Here are some of my basic stats for reference:

35 ACT
1560 SAT
800 SAT Math II Subject Test
4.0 Unweighted GPA

Seems pretty solid to me, especially with at least an average essay and list of EC. If there is no other major of interest, I don’t think it’s necessary to list one. You should have a pretty good chance based on the business school freshman profile, since you are above the middle 50 percent of admitted students. They don’t directly accept SAT2 test results, but you could still list your score in the achievements/honors area of the application.

I wouldn’t consider it a safety, though, as I don’t know any specifics for that particular major or if they look at other stuff, such as course rigor, related EC, etc.

Put in a second choice major, even DGS…it does you no harm, and keeps options open for you. I know, the response is if I’m not in as Business Unassigned, some view it as rejection, but why cut yourself off and not keep alternate paths open? You lose the possible path of the second choice major if you don’t select one.I wouldn’t put the SAT2 score down anywhere…the application instructions pretty much say we don’t consider the score, so don’t include it…save space and opportunities for something that does matter. From your stats, you probably have evidence of strong math performance and challenge in your record. Regardless of stats, admission isn’t guaranteed, just something to remember, so it’s always important to just present your application in the best light possible. Check out the Gies admission landing page, and read the application instructions carefully to make sure you’ve correctly addressed each point. Good luck!

The application process followed by UIUC is that if you submit a first choice major and are rejected for it, you will then be evaluated for the second choice, and if rejected for that, you are then considered for the Division of General Studies (unless it was your second choice). If you make no second choice major, you will be considered only for the first choice major and if rejected for that you are done.

If your intent is to attend UIUC if, and only if, you are accepted to business, then you should likely stick with only one choice. If you still want to be able to decide to attend even if rejected for first choice, then you must put a second choice.

As to your stats, yes they are good, although subject tests are not considered for admission to UIUC (and those who actually make decisions will not be provided your subject test scores). The business college has a much lower admission rate (usually in the 40% range) than the university as a whole. High stats is not a guarantee of admission. The business college is definitely one that does a full file review and considers ECs and essays important, and its rejection list is often occupied by a number who have high stats.