2nd SAT Essay

<p>Ok, guys, I just took another practice SAT essay..here it is...any constructive comments,advice, help is appreciated...also can you guys grade it for me, as objectively as possible? Thanks!</p>

<p>Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others?</p>

<p>-What would the world be like if everyone were to imitate each other? There certainly wouldn't be any change, nor would there ever be any improvement. To benefit the world significantly, one would need originality. There is no point in imitating what others have already accomplished; there are no limits to what humans can do, and it would be foolish to forego these oppportunities. Throughout history, the most successful people have always been the most original, the most unique. Whether it be Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, or even my eccentric chemistry teacher, originality has always guaranteed personal satisfaction and a sense of achievement.</p>

<p>As founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. Did he copy his ideas from someone else? The answer is clearly no. Mr. Gates had to persevere and spend years working on his invention. The computer that was produced was clearly an original model, developed from Mr. Gates' own mind. He did not copy other ideas; he was unique and sought to discover just how much potential he had. </p>

<p>Not only are popular successful people original, but also the people who succeed in something they enjoy doing. My chemistry teacher has long had a passion for teaching science. He definitely enjoys sharing his knowledge of chemistry. Students in his classes have always remembered the knowledge and have always scored high on national exams. This is a direct result of his unique teaching methods. Over the years, my chemistry teacher has developed a special type of teaching; instead of the boring lectures that I am forced to go through with other teachers, my chemistry teacher encourages his students to actively participate in classroom debates. We do not have to raise our hands, we can simply aruge over our opinions in a classroom discussion. This method is clearly original, and as the test scores show, effective.</p>

<p>Lastly, I believe that I have always struggled to preserve my own originality. Over the years, I have realized that, while other students would find their methods effective, whenever I imitated them, I was not as effective. This is because their methods suit their ways of living, not mine. As a result, I need to be original and seek to act naturally, in order to preserve my own originality. Only then can i live to my potential and reach my limits. </p>

<p>All in all, originality is definitely the key to success and personal satisfaction. By being original, we can realize our own goals through innovation. Instead of imitating others we need to learn about ourselves, our personal strong points and weak points. Be learning about our strengths and weaknesses, we can use these values and accomplish much.</p>

<p>it was quit a good essay, well organized and shows adequate and smooth progression of idea.
although there were some errors in grammar and usage
(“This method is clearly original, and as the test scores show, effective”, i couldn’t quit get the message here…i think it should have been…“this method is clearly original and effective as shown by the test scores”…), the essay was generally good.
your use of vocabulary was OK…but i would suggest you do better…

<p>I like this prompt…where is it from?</p>

<p>but question, do you write these as part of a complete practice test or do you write them after you take the rest of the test?</p>

<p>^It’s from January 2008…I think. And yea, I write them first…in 25 minutes, then I take a complete test. I’ve only done it twice though :(. </p>

<p>Bump any other ratings?</p>

<p>Can anyone check up on this one? thx:</p>

<p>Originality in an unoriginal world is important for growth and productivity. The examples and the life stories of Thomas Edison, the “Google Guys”, and Steve Jobs clearly demonstrate how uniqueness brings forth success and prosperity.</p>

<p>The spark of originality inspired by Thomas Edison fueled a new era of innovation and industrialization. Before 1878, the world was a very different place. Industrialization and new technology were unknown to the majority of the world, and lifestyles were still quite primitive. People worked when the sun was out, and after the sun set, no world could be accomplished efficiently. However in 1878, Edison introduced the first commercially-viable electric light bulb, needless to say, very original; this invention helped revolutionize the work in the late 19th century and increased growth and productivity. Thus, it is clear that being original and be very beneficial.</p>

<p>As demonstrated by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, originality in the tech world boosted growth and productivity. Conventional search engines back in the early days of the internet were not very efficient nor effective. Page and Brin, at that time attending Stanford University, thought up a more innovative method for searches, resulting in a program called “PageRank”. This new innovative approach to the old fashioned web searches propelled the world into a new age of information technology and opened up a world of new data. Undoubtably showing how being original is the only way to improve growth and productivity.</p>

<p>Similarly, the story of Apple shows how originality trumps imitation in any instance. At the time of Apple’s foundation, PCs (personal computers) were just being introduced to the public. Unaesthetic and blocky, these original IBM CPUs scared the public. Steve Jobs, a man who has been referred to as “legendary”, “a futurist” and “a visionary”, revolutionized the technology industry by making products that were both advanced and beautiful. Within a decade, Apple had become a household name and raised the bar for technology, Hence, originality proved to be better than the status quo.</p>

<p>Through careful analysis of the examples of Thomas Edison, Larry Page/Sergey Brin and Steve Jobs, one can see that, indeed, originality is much more effective than merely imitating others, “Here’s to the crazy ones…while some may view them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” While originality may be viewed as crazy, one must remember that change can only happen through original works, and in the long run, originality will trump imitation time after time.</p>

<p>This is a thread from 2008…</p>