<p>How much will having two W's on my transcript as opposed to one effect my chances of getting into a good grad school for genetics? I'm retaking the first W course this semester but I won't be retaking the other one. This is a class that has no possibility of me passing with a decent grade. I really expect A D if not an F. It's public speaking... I failed so miserable on my first speech (like 2/50 points)... really you couldn't imagine it being worse. If you saw my other topic, no I didn't get drunk for it or anything. I really really hate my anxiety. I practiced the speech 20 times in front of someone else yesterday and my mind went completely blank so many times and I couldn't get my mind off how anxious I was...</p>
<p>edit: the other W was in a biochem course that I was failing but I'm more prepared this time.</p>
<p>There is no problem with “W”. At least it’s better than D or F. Nobody cares if it’s not a habit.Just don’t do it every term, and you should be fine.</p>
<p>What if you have 3 and the 3rd one was because it was recommended by your counselor and you did not know it was a class that required you to be handy. Like, make stuff out of wood, wires and so on?</p>
<p>Edit: It also seemed that the old professor for that class did it differently than the new professor
and (Ignore the question mark)
the counselor was not aware of that?</p>
<p>What if you have 3 and the 3rd one was because it was recommended by your counselor and you did not know it was a class that required you to be handy. Like, make stuff out of wood, wires and so on?</p>
<p>Edit: It also seemed that the old professor for that class did it differently than the new professor and the counselor was not aware of that.</p>