3.3 GPA mechanical engineering major applied to over 100+ positions :(

i have been applying since mid February to intern positions in NJ/NY and not hearing anything back i go to a good school and my resume looks professional i had it checked by my career adviser and all. i feel like this is my 3rd year and i’m too deep in otherwise i would have switched to IT or CS so much more opportunities only thing it’s boring. should i just keep applying?? or should i just take the chances and switch to Information Technology or Computer Science?? or not stress about finding an internship at all??

Expand your search. You might have to relocate for the summer. That is okay.

Also, mid-Feb was not long ago (I haven’t heard from some I applied to in December) and in fact a little bit late for engineering internships. (For anyone else reading this, start in the fall!!) So keep applying to anything, anywhere, and hopefully eventually you’ll start to get some interview requests.

Are you still looking? My son graduated with an ME degree last year. We too are in the NJ/NY area and it was tough to find things but he did. One area I suggest looking is the craigslist in the engineering section. Smaller companies advertise there and sometimes you can contact one of them and about whether then need a summer intern.

The whole internship deal is very random. My son has a pretty good resume (Tau Beta Pi, previous internship experience, solid club experience, current job). He heard back from some very competitive positions, but crickets from most that should have been safer bets. Keep your chin up. I have it on good authority that landing a job is easier than an internship. Good luck.

Note: February was probably too late for lots of positions. Don’t just look on aggregator sites like glassdoor or engineeringjobs. Look at company web sites. Lastly, nothing beats a network connection. Applying to random positions is a crap shoot even for the very qualified.