3.42 uw gpa and 3.66 w, SAT 1530, which UCs are a possibility?

My son has 3.4 uw gpa and 3.66 w. His SAT score is 1530, which UCs does have a good chance of getting into?

So far, he has taken chem honors, AP biology, AP calculus BC. Planning to take AP statistics and world history this year.

His ECs are:
Volunteer at mental health program for the last two years
Research project under a professor
Swim team at school
Volunteer at Children’s museum
Math tutor
Science Olympiad
Neuroscience club member at school


Since UC’s are test optional this admission cycle, his SAT will help his chances but GPA is still King with the UC’s. One test will not make up for several years of HS grades. Is their a reason for the GPA mismatch? Intended major?

Below are some admit rates based on the capped weighted UC GPA and not major specific so competitive majors such as Engineering, CS etc will have lower admit rates.

If he has a compelling reason for his lower than average grades, then make sure they are addressed in one of his personal insight essays. Also make sure he applies widely not only to the UC’s but if in-state to the Cal States and even some private universities if they are within budget.


2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 1%
UCLA: 2%
UCSD: 9%
UCSB: 6%
UCI: 7%
UCD: 9%
UCSC: 40%
UCR: 53%
UCM: 80%

2019 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:
UCB: 4.23 (4.15-4.30)
UCLA: 4.25 (4.18-4.32)
UCSD: 4.16 (4.03-4.28)
UCSB: 4.16 (4.04-4.28)
UCI: 4.13 (4.00-4.25)
UCD: 4.13 (4.00-4.26)
UCSC: 3.96 (3.76-4.16)
UCR: 3.90 (3.69-4.11)
UCM: 3.73 (3.45-4.00)

2019 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT totals:
UCB: 1340-1540

UCLA: 1330-1550
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1280-1520
UCD: 1230-1490
UCI: 1250-1510
UCSC: 1200-1450
UCR: 1130-1400
UCM: 1020-1290

Target schools UC Merced and possibly Riverside. A valid/compelling reason for his grade/SAT mismatch could make UC Santa Cruz, Davis, Irvine or Santa Barbara possible but still a long shot.

He has very good EC’s but UC’s consider GPA Very Important vs. the EC’s.

Best of luck to him.

that may help you with a bit more perspective on admit rate by gpa range at each UC. I agree, UCM is probably his best shot - the others will be a long shot.

There’s nothing wrong with UCM I’d really encourage you and him to expand your focus and include some CSUs - though they aren’t using SAT/ACT at all next year so, they will be really tough to predict.

next year is going to be really unpredictable so, apply lots of places, maybe even explore some of the WUE campuses like UNR = WUE is a program that gives tuition discounts to kids from all of the western state.
Heres the full list.

@Gumbymom Thanks for the list! He did not do well on his 9th grade but had a upward trend afterwards.

@NCalRent Thanks for the WUE pointer. UNR seems good as he wants to do pre-med courses and neuroscience seems a like a great option for him

I am new to this website. Do I post here or some other forum to ask about his chances in OOS colleges.

Do we need to include 9th grade GPA? If not, then his gpa is actually 3.53. Not much of a change but just thought I would let you know


I thought that the UCs, or at least most of them, do not care about 9th grade. @Gumbymom would know better than I. However, having 3.53 rather than a 3.42 should at least help quite a bit at Merced and Riverside.

If you are from California, then I think that you need to calculate the “UC capped weighted GPA”.

Thanks @DadTwoGirls . It’s 3.82 - 3.94 (I was not sure whether to count two APs for second semester of 11th grade, so If I do not include that it is 3.82, if I include that, it is 3.94)

UC’s And Cal states use 10-11th grades only and give up to 8 semesters of honors points for AP/IB, DE or UC approved Honors courses taken 10-11th grades which is the capped weighted UC/CSU GPA. UC’s and CSU’s consider 9th grades only for completing the a-g course requirements and these need to be passing grades of C- or higher.

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 7%
UCSD: 33%
UCSB: 32%
UCD: 47%
UCI: 35%
UCSC: 72%
UCR: 87%
UCM: 96%

So with an upward trend, more options for the UC’s. I would also look at several of the Cal states.

Intended major can make a difference but no reason to go OOS since he will plenty of options in-state.

Here are CSU campus averages (not major specific) but will give you a good idea for more target schools.


I had one son attend a UC (Davis) and one son attend a CSU (San Diego). Both got a great education at their respective schools.


what is he looking for from his college experience (campus size. big city, college town, beach or mountain proximity, sports/frats, etc) ?

btw - i have a semi recent Chico grad (LOVED IT!)and current student at Fort Lewis College (a wue school in beautiful Durango, Colorado) - he has found his heaven . We looked into a lot of western schools for both of them (and some relatives). happy to answer any questions.

He is looking for medium to large sized colleges. He is not that interested in sports/frats. He is looking for colleges that offer neuroscience major and CS minor.

@Gumbymom, thanks again for the links!
@NCalRent, what do you think about University of Nevada, Reno?

UNR is a good school and is certainly worth a tour.

Biose State, ID State, Mont State, Wash State, Co State (ft collins) U of Utah and Utah State, Portland State and of course Uof Hawaii… are also WUE schools worth a look. Note though not all majors are WUE eligible so you have to dig a little deeper with them.

Not sure about who offers neuroscience at the undergrad level. But, CSUs to explore - SDSU (maybe), CPP, CSULB, SJSU (not for CS), Sac State, SF State are all worth a tour. I’d go look at Chico too - solid rep with employers and college town experience. Sonoma is smaller but very residential - different than your typical CSU experience.

@NCalRent Yes. Hopefully we can visit UNR. I read about SDSU, seems very nice. Thanks again.

@sjcmom: My younger son graduated from SDSU and my niece is a current Junior at SDSU. None of the Cal states offer a Neuroscience undergrad major but if you son is interested in SDSU, you are welcome to PM me with any questions.

Since my boss got his PhD in Neuroscience at Washington State University, I checked there and they do offer Neuroscience as an undergrad major and CS as a minor.
