<p>Do you know anyone/heard of anyone that got into Yale with around a 3.5UW/3.7W GPA (w/ Cs) that wasn't an URM/Recruited Athlete/Legacy. Thanks!</p>
<p>This information won’t be very useful to you… on it’s own GPA is a pretty shallow metric. It’s much more relevant in comparison to the distribution of GPAs at your school, and the school’s reputation. </p>
<p>Cs are never a good sign for a yale applicant… unless you have a very good explanation.</p>
<p>Death of a grandmother & mother getting breast cancer are the cause for my 3Cs.</p>
<p>My experience has been that the “sob story” does not work at this level, especially at the level.</p>
<p>Even with outstanding recommendations and essays, Yale would be taking a big chance given the strength of the other applicants. Something would REALLY have to stand out in your file for you to have a remote chance. Even with the strongest candidates, you know the numerical odds are heavy against everyone. Best of luck to you regardless.</p>
<p>The lowest GPA I’ve seen admitted to Yale was an unweighted 3.66 full IB student who was ranked in the top 5 nationally in the student’s sport. There are some people who get in with 3.5ish GPAs, but I suspect they are the most desired basketball, football, and ice hockey players or a person whose family has given tens of millions of dollars. That being said, I’ve seen development families with children with 3.9s who didn’t get in.</p>