3.5 gpa engineering

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I have a 3.5 in engineering at UC Berkeley. I have work experience, research with a publication, and 1 great + 2 good LoRs. Judging from practices it looks like I"m going to get a GRE comparable to the accepts for top programs. </p>

<p>My preference would be medical school or work, but if I get into a good MS program for engineering or biology I would take that. Do I have a decent shot at an MS from Stanford, MIT, or Berkeley with this kind of GPA? </p>

<p>If not, what can I do in 1 yr to become more competitive?</p>

<p>Why would you go for an MS in biology? Why not a PhD?</p>

<p>A lot of people in the bay area have been very successful with an MS working at drug companies. From my work exp., I feel that getting the job is easier with a PhD, but the PhD doesn’t make you better at your job than an MS–esp. not one with 3 extra years in that field. </p>

<p>I just don’t want to commit 4-5 yrs for a degree even though I understand I would be losing some potential salary and job security. </p>

<p>My preference though is to get my MS in bioeng…so any insight into the original question would be much appreciated.</p>