<p>I currently have a 3.9 gpa however I have 4 F's on my transcript. I repeated all the classes I got F's in and got A's the second time. (the f's were removed from my gpa)
I'm applying to UC's, nyu, usc, and cornell. Do I have a chance especially at Ucberkley and ucla or will those f's crush me? </p>
<p>someone already answered my question in another thread but I'm trying to get more responses. thanks!</p>
<p>Well, my logic is, if everyone was able to get a second chance and do over a bad grade, there would be a lot of people with higher GPAs. If there’s a good reasoning behind why you got those F’s, then maybe those schools could find a way to over look it. F’s are a really noticeable stain on a transcript, regardless if it counted towards your GPA. I believe many schools do their own GPA calculation. Best of luck!</p>
<p>I don’t know really how those schools would look at the Fs. Were the Fs all from one semester? If so, explain that semester somewhere (many applications give you a place do so stuff like that) and many colleges will not be too alarmed by it. Especially if you have a good reason and you present how you have learned from that experience.</p>
<p>If the Fs are scattered all over, then it is a bit more of an issue. Unless, again, you can explain them better… such as all 4 were Math classes and it took you awhile to learn how to approach those kinds of classes but now know how, etc. </p>
<p>I think you just need to explain it in such a way so that colleges have faith that you can <em>handle</em> the coursework at their college upon transfer.</p>
<p>I do have to say that in today’s transfer climate in California, you need to throw some serious safety schools into the mix (your local CSU). It seems probable you could get into a UC, but not necessarily your top choice - so check off several of the UCs so that you have a better shot (not just to Berk and UCLA which are very competitive and turn away qualified students all the time).</p>
<p>The Fs make youir transcript a bit wobbly for making elite schools like Berk/UCLA, but the other UCs like Davis etc are probably still matches. Cross your fingers and just apply to a bunch of places… don’t fret too much and remember you can always attend your fav UC for grad school if it doesn’t work out.</p>
<p>i hate to be that guy… but yeahhh your gpa is a 3.9 but if its due to 4 classes with Fs that just got repeated, that doesnt look good at all.</p>
<p>gpa’s 25% of the battle… the other part is the strength of the classes and id say doing well the first time is what counts. sorry champ :[</p>