3 AP classes

<p>I signed up for three AP classes : APUSH, Ap English, and AP Psychology. I have never taken an AP class before and haven't been in honors since middle school. I get fairly good grades (not straight As but 3.0+ ) and really want to take APs my junior year (sophomore now). I am just scared that with the three AP classes I will be too stressed. My school only has 4 classes a day so three AP classes plus chemistry and algebra 2 (suck at math) is going to be hard. I love psychology and the only reason I am taking any AP classes is because i wanted to take psychology. (already took 2 years of regular psychology). Should i take one of the classes out or keep them all . </p>

<p>And also, what are these classes generally like?</p>

<p>In my opinion, unless APUSH is required, I’d rather take AP English and AP Psych. APUSH is usually the hardest of the three.</p>

<p>I took apush last semester and I can honeslty say it’s the hardest class I have ever taken, it was a lot of work-TONS of vocab, ridiculous tests and dbqs-doceument based questions(essays really). But it is the hardest class at my school considering the teacher and amount of work. It was a small class so we really bonded and I have Ap English with most of them this semester and we make so many history jokes(you become a total nerd) and everyone looks at us like we have three heads. If you’re willing to put the effort in apush you will get a lot out of it, I know I did.
APE seems like a waste of time to me after apush, but it’s easy college credit. It’s mainly just reading and discussion. Hopefully it will be easy college credit.
My school sadly doesn’t offer ap psych so i’m no help…</p>

<p>Hope this helped!</p>

<p>As difficult as APUSH was, I think it’s totally worth it. Don’t get me wrong, junior year became absolutely miserable because of it, but looking back, I had fun with my big nerdy study groups and I walked out of the class with Bs for the semester, but a killer 5 on the exam. As wordgirl said, it’s a lot of reading and a lot of writing and a lot of discussion, but I think most people leave a smarter, more well-rounded person. Looking back, I definitely feel that the class was hugely beneficial. I still write about the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus in my essays because I remember so much of it.</p>

<p>English is definitely not as labor-intensive, but the college credit is awesome so that you get out of the basic freshman language and comp. courses. If you’re a liberal arts kid, you get to skip on into an upper level course, or if you’re a natural sciences/engineering/anything else, you can probably complete your English requirements before you even get on campus.</p>

<p>As for psych, I’ve never taken it, but definitely ask around and find out how difficult it is and how much reading/writing will be expected of you. It may be a class that, if you have a lot of work from APUSH and AP Lang, you may want to leave for senior year.</p>

<p>*any more opinions ?</p>

<p>Really depends on your teacher. If you figure out how to get the best grade with the least amount of work (based on their grading style) you can get by just fine. If that fails then work together with your classmates and study.</p>

<p>yeah, i would say apush definitely depends on the teacher. i’m taking it right now, and i find it incredibly easy. i have a solid A with minimal effort. friends of mine who have “the hard teacher” at my school are struggling to get Bs. the class really boils down to memorization, so if you’re good at that, apush shouldn’t be an issue.</p>

<p>Ooh, someone who’s going to be taking APUSH with block scheduling like moi.</p>

<p>Let me tell you, it was hard work if your teacher is going to be anything like mine. You’ll have a lot of homework. I’m assuming that all of the posters above had period scheduling - you may get double what they get a day. It’s hard to adjust in the beginning, but if you have the mindset that this class is really just PURE MEMORIZATION and a little bit of analysis, it’ll get better. </p>

<p>APUSH is the most rewarding class I’ve taken. In all honesty, I feel better prepped for college because I learned how to take notes effectively, how to analyze properly, and how to manage my time. You may feel like you want to die, but really, you’ll look back on it and be happy you took it. </p>

<p>Make sure you watch this vid during APUSH, it’ll be the best thing to get you through each night:
[YouTube</a> - APUSH/ NOBODY VOTE FOR ANDREW JACKSON](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Since I didn’t take AP Psych (my school doesn’t offer it) and I’ll be taking AP Lit and Comp next year, let me redirect you to this lovely video:</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - AP EXAMS '10](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>


<p>@heyjjjaded : ahahahh . thankyou for your post. I watched both of the videos &they were both awesome. Block scheduling can be a pain in the butt, but I like only haveing 4 classes a day (:
@everyon else : i think i’m going to go for it. i’m nervous because once you start an AP class you can’t drop it. but if it is really too hard for me i will have a nervous meltdown and will be sure to get the class dropped (; ahah . i think i will be fine though.</p>