<p>Hi, I was wondering if anyone had or knows anyone who has gotten into USC with 3 or more Cs (including AP classes) throughout the course of their high school career? Thanks!</p>
<p>well… what is your situation? It’s really impossible to predict anything, except that you always want to have higher stats.
I don’t know anyone personally (not like I really know anyone’s specific HS grades) but outside of athletics/music/ other specialty schools, it seems unlikely. The only scenario I can see that happening is if if were more of a freshman case where you were in a funk and brought it up drastically to straight A’s now. Of course, this is all relative, since I know nothing about your stats/EC’s/ test scores/ intended major.</p>
<p>What courses were they? What classes did you take throughout high school?</p>
<p>I’ve averaged about one C per year my entire four years of high school, and I was admitted (all the classes were IB though, so they’re notably more rigorous).</p>
<p>Granted, it was through the Structured Curriculum Program which requires I take one extra class, but I think it’s worth it. USC really encourages talent, so while I’m not saying to keep letting your grades drop, show USC what you have to offer. In my case, I had a lot of really outstanding community work and leadership positions, both within school and without. Just because you have a couple of C’s doesn’t mean then end- I feel USC is more forgiving on this than other universities. Just make sure you have something to offer other than grades, and you’ll have a shot!</p>
<p>I had two C(+)'s on my transcript from Junior year, one for AP Physics and the other for Pre-Calc Honors and I was accepted. Although, the admission officers from my area are aware that it is notoriously hard to get any A’s at my school (in AP and Honors classes, that is). The valedictorians hardly ever reach anything higher than a 4.3 weighted GPA, for instance. It’s hard to tell without any other information, but I wouldn’t count USC out, especially if you had other outstanding grades or great EC’s or a great essay.</p>
<p>i had a noticeable drop in grades:</p>
<p>freshman year: 4.0 (1 honors class…big public, so not many honors classes for freshmen)
sophomore: 3.93 (1 AP, 2 year-long honors, 1 semester-long honors classes)
junior year: 3.4 (4 APs)</p>
<p>USC is really forgiving…and although i didnt really have great ECs either, i thought that i had a good interview with the marshall school of business and had a pretty good mid-year report (3.8 for the semester with 4 APs and 1 honors…which is actually just 1 B :)). just keep trying hard!</p>
<p>sophomore year
i got 2 C+'s in algebra 2 (79.49 … i needed a 79.5 to be rounded :[ ) and APUSH</p>
<p>and then this year I might get another C in pre-cal</p>
<p>anotherasian what were your other stats? b/c i really want to get into marshall</p>
<p>It depends on how competitive your high school is. USC does take into account of the competitiveness of your high school. For example, D’s friend had a few Cs, her uw GPA is more like 3.4 and she was admitted to USC. Her first semester at USC she got close to 4.0 GPA in engineering because she is very strong in Math and Physics. Her Cs may have come from subject that she did not like.</p>
<p>One great thing about AP’s; a four or five in a subject you hate lets you dis it forever!</p>