I’ve taken the ACT 4 times, not studying the first 2 times. I got 27’s on both. For the 3rd one, I studied the day before (I was sick and couldn’t make myself study more) and I got a 29. I’m hoping for a 32, so I put in about 2 weeks of studying for the June test and I ended up getting a 28… I have one chance left, and was wondering how I should go about studying. Here are my past scores
- E: 25 M: 29 R: 26 S: 26
- E: 28 M: 31 R: 23 S: 26
- E: 27 M: 31 R: 29 S: 28
- E: 30 M: 27 R: 27 S: 26
Practice, practice, practice 
Spend a week doing individual practice tests for one section. Review your mistakes and take notes on why you think you made those errors. Brainstorm some ways to prevent those mistakes and/or use google. Implement your personalized strageties for the next test you take. Eventually, you should feel very comfortable with that section (even if you really struggled with it before). Diligence is key!
Then move to the next section, then the next, and then the next.
Personally, I started with my weakest section (reading) because I saw the most immediate improvement in my composite. I got a 32 on the June ACT (from an original 29) just by raising my reading score and now I’m improving my other weak sections to score higher this September. (Note: I do not have endurance issues. I can remain focused throughout the whole test. If you have trouble doing so you should incorporate full length and/or half length practice tests in your preparation.)
I use the Real ACT and the Princeton Review’s practice tests.
I would say the best way to improve your scores, IMHO, is to focus on your strongest areas, since those will almost certainly be the easiest for you to improve. For you, your scores are a little scattered but it looks like your two best sections could be English and Math. Really work on those two sections, and get them high, and them turn to your weaker sections.
Thank you, good luck on September’s! 
Thanks, and good luck on September’s!
Hello there! I know this hasn’t been commented on in a while but I wanted to add some of my advice
But really though at the end of the day it’s TIMING that will really make or break you on the test. My science section jumped 7 (!!!) points between sittings because I strictly allocated like 5 minutes per passage (just divide total amount of time by the number of passages) and because I DIDN’T READ THE EXPERIMENT SUMMARIES. Literally for science just skip to the questions for most passages unless it’s like the scientists’ opinion passage. The graphs actually have everything you need in them and if you take some practice tests for science by only using the graphs you’ll feel a lot better about doing it during the actual test.
For reading, just read quickly??? idk that was my worst section
good luck though! Remember a 27 isn’t bad at all and you’re gonna do gr8 some september!