<p>I'm a high school senior planning on majoring in mathematics, and I'm torn between colleges because all of my options are appealing for different reasons! My options are UCLA, UCSB, UC Davis, and Cal Poly SLO. I am a Regents Scholar at SB and Davis, so the scholarship money and priority class registration would be really nice benefits. However, Cal Poly would be the cheapest option anyway, and I felt the strongest connection to the campus and the friendly environment. My concern is that it may not have as good of a reputation as the UC schools, especially UCLA. My main question is, which school would be the best choice with regards to obtaining a career after college? (Not yet sure what exactly that career will be, only that my major will be math). Also, I know that they are all good schools, but would choosing Cal Poly over UCLA be a mistake? Any insight about any of these four schools would be extremely helpful!</p>