3 words to describe yourself (USC)

<p>I want to express how I'm unique and sort of a nonconformist but I'm afraid if I actually use "nonconformist" they'll see this in the wrong light and think I'm a rebel or something. What I'm trying to get through is that I don't do or believe in things just 'cause other people are - I have my own beliefs and opinion and I have no problem being the minority. </p>

<p>Anybody have any suggestions?</p>

<p>Isn’t asking someone here to come up with one of the three words to describe yourself like asking someone to write a third of your essay for you? The word will mean more if it comes from your own mind ;)</p>

<p>I thought I’d get at least one response like that :stuck_out_tongue:
Well essentially I have it done - I’m just looking to improve. So technically my essay is complete and I’m just looking for an editor/proof reader.
Just having a little synonym problem, that’s all. :)</p>

<p>Have fun with these 3 words, ie don’t take them seriously. The USC admission director said when they see serious words like “intelligent, ambitious,responsible”, they knew that parents were involved with the application.</p>

<p>Do not take the quick takes seriously. I surely didn’t.</p>

<p>Honestly, those three words are probably best used in a completely nonserious way. You know that every other app will just say “dedicated hardworking talented” and other such bs, so you may as well have fun with it. “I’m The Best” or “Good At Scrabble” is probably what I’d do.</p>

<p>edit: or “A Unique Snowflake”</p>

<p>if unique and nonconformity are the first things that come to mind then put them down. you shouldn’t worry about what a college will think of you, you need to be yourself. If a college admits you based on someone you wanted them to think, you many not have a really good collegiate experience.</p>

<p>Or “I Like Math”</p>

<p>^listen to asn man.</p>

<p>relentless alpha male jackhammer</p>

<p>Please say you like Dwight Schrute as much as I do!</p>

<p>At new student orientation this summer they read us a bunch of those from successful applications. The one that sticks in my head was</p>

<p>“Worthy of admission.”</p>

<p>To go with the nonconformist vibe you could try:</p>

<p>“Road Less Taken” or “Diverged…and I”</p>

<p>amazing thumb wrestler</p>

<p>I don’t lose</p>

<p>let me in 10 char</p>