3 years of lab science

<p>OK so I just found out that although I took 3 years of science one of them was not lab science. It was integrated science 1,2 but my other two were AP Bio and AP chem. So if I were to apply to somewhere like UCLA for engineering do you think they would care if I got A’s in both AP’s both didn’t take a third year.</p>

<p>30 units are recommended but definitely not required. A friend took only 3 math courses, instead of the recommended 40 units. He got into SD. Though LA is def more selective than SD, I don't think you taking only 20 units, especially w/ good grades in both the classes + if you did well on the AP tests, will affect your chances that much.</p>

<p>I also want to know on the UC gateway page there are classes they list for my school that do not exist so will the schools think I had a lot of opportunities.</p>