Rising senior…
ACT: (2nd try)
35 English
35 Math
33 Reading
35 Science
9 Essay
SAT: (1st try)
800 Math
690 Critical Reading
800 Writing
11 Essay
Should I just send both? Is it possible to send only ACT and SAT Subjects but not SAT? Would the critical reading for both SAT/ACT score look bad? I got an 80 on PSAT CR (but not when it actually counts
ACT for sure. I meant ACT because your CR on the SAT can hurt you. Yes you can send your ACT score along with your SAT subject test. If schools require to send both, then do so. Congratulations with those scores.
Thanks! Should I still send my regular SAT score?
If they require to send all scores from SAT and ACT, then yes. If not just ACT.
Your ACT reading score is nothing to worry about, but your SAT CR can hurt you, but will not keep you out of any schools. Congratulations on the scores, but I would just send the ACT, and you can send the ACT and just the SAT subject scores.
Thanks! Can I only send ACT for schools that require all scores?
^That’s not true for all schools. UPenn, if I recall correctly, requires both.
You have to check websites. Some schools require all scores and they specify if you took both that you must send both. It’s very school specific.
I would send them both. An 800 on math and writing and an 11, are excellent! Any chance of retaking the SAT in the fall? If you could study the CR part and up that to the mid 700’s your scores would be awesome. Don’t forget, all school take the highest scores on SAT.
Thanks guys! Sigh…I really don’t want to take the SAT again because I most likely won’t be able to score 800 on the other sections and my composite might go down because of that.