35's; 36's

<p>I recently took the ACT for the first time. I scored a 35 with no preparation and am not looking to pursue pressing to advance the score. My low was in Mathematics, which is my strongest class area, with a 32.</p>

<p>I have actively pursued further information about the ACT test. I have been able to find a little of the information I desire. However, one key facet I have been unable to find. Is there any possible way any one knows of to find out total numbers of students scoring at each of the cumulative marks?</p>

<p>Also, if I ordered my test packet, but have already received my results, when will the test packet come? I am very curious as well about which questions I missed. If you can help on the questions, thank you.</p>

<p>Eis Doxan Tou Theou

<p>Check this out from last year </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/act-preparation/551578-act-2008-national-report-released.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/act-preparation/551578-act-2008-national-report-released.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Are the values under the “N” column the actual numerical total of students? I’ve seen this chart before, but was unsure what the values meant, and the “N” column was not referenced. If that is the case, then thanks! Questions answered!</p>

<p>Eis Doxan Tou Theou
Ben Harstine</p>

<p>My friend got a 33 as a freshmen, 35 as a junior, and retook it in January and pulled out a 36 on all sections. If you got a 35 even though you only got a 32 in Math, I would retake it and go for the 36, because IMO math is the easiest section to raise.</p>



<p>…and you scored a 35?</p>

<p>Yes. I kind of have no idea how. I expected to do fairly well, but had no expectations for my first test. I was planning on taking it a couple times. Guess not now. I’m fairly satisfied, but even more proud of the talents of my class. Fairly small school, but the four of us intellectual’s who took the test all scored above 30. About four more are still to take the test, but as of now we’re doing pretty well.</p>

<p>Would there be a fairly high chance of dropping the score in the other columns?</p>

<p>I got a 36 in Math! Okay sorry, that is not that special, but I SUCK at math. My SAT Math sucks, my SAT II math sucks, every flaw in my academic record is math-related…

<p>See… that’s the really odd thing. My PSAT (Haven’t taken the SAT yet) Mathematics was very high. My PSAT writing was very low in comparison. Reverse on the ACT. Must just be testing different areas of the topics.</p>