36 and Hispanic, can I get into Stanford?

I’m a Puerto Rican student that will graduate at the top 10% of my class. I have a 36 ACT composite score and my GPA is a 95.88 unweighted and a 101.1 weighted. My PSAT is a 1390, which enabled me to become a scholar in the National Hispanic Recognition Program. What are my chances at getting into Stanford Early action?

Your stats won’t keep you out of the running because they are, of course, great, but its about what else you can bring to the application. Give it a shot but don’t get your hopes up - nor should anyone given Stanford’s minuscule acceptance rate.

I don’t know about Stanford. Stanford seems to reject everyone, including those with 36 ACTs, 1600 SATs, 4.0 GPAs, etc.

You’re definitely a strong applicant, though, if that’s what you’re asking.

What you have listed so far is great, but there are a huge number of other factors that Stanford will consider. The acceptance rate makes it a long shot for even the most talented students.