39 IB Points (Total) = Instant Rejection?

<p>Would Harvard even bother to look at the rest of my application with only 39 Predicted IB Points?</p>

<p>I would like to know too, I also have 39.</p>

<p>This is really funny.</p>

<p>Especially since I’m applying to Harvard with a predicted 33 or so, and I got into another HYPSMC early.</p>

<p>At my son’s school, kids have been accepted into ivies and they didn’t even get enough points for the diploma.</p>

<p>This can’t be accurate. Are you all serious?!</p>

<p>Relax. 39 is still a great score, and IB predicted scores are not the biggest factor in US college admissions.</p>

<p>Is it 39 with the extra 3 points? If all the other factors are good then you have a shot!</p>

<p>For students in US schools, IB scores don’t really matter much–decisions will be based on regular grades, and predicted scores may not even be provided to the students, much less to the colleges. It is a different story, however, if you are an international student and the IB scores constitute your grades–then predicted scores will matter.</p>

<p>My D applied to 10 schools, and as far as I know, there was no mention of her predicted IB scores during the admission process. So in her case, I don’t believe it has any bearing on her chance for admission. And when I asked her about her scores, she said she didn’t have any idea what they would be.</p>

<p>39/45 or 39/42?</p>

<p>Total means total, guys. Out of 45. </p>

<p>Prior to starting the IB, I had straight A’s (so what would be a perfect American GPA.) </p>

<p>39 is a good score and with good e/cs kids at my school have gotten into Uchicago duke brown and a lot of other notable colleges </p>

<p>Can anyone confirm that any colleges are even interested in IB scores, anticipated or otherwise? I see no evidence of it, but there seems to be folks who think it’s a critical component. Thanks.</p>

<p>I should clarify - U.S. colleges.</p>

<p>@sschickens, the scores come out so late that I don’t see how it could have any bearing on admissions. Unless the school gives class credit for a certain score, I don’t see it as an issue.</p>

<p>@SoWest Thanks, that’s my understanding. I see CC posters present their IB scores and frame it so that they believe it has some bearing on admissions. I always scratch my head when I see this.</p>

<p>Coming from an IB student, colleges won’t see your IB scores. However, they will see your predicted scores. But they realize that predicted scores aren’t really too accurate. For example, some schools have statistically given a couple points higher on average than what students actually score.</p>

<p>well 45 → rejected by all ivies. yay.</p>

<p>Predicteds DO matter. Anyone posting their IB score on CC is posting their predicted score. If 39/45 is your predicted then it is fine. </p>

<p>Universities do not know your final grade until after they grant admission. But if you get a very low score (eg less than 30/45) in your finals compared to your predicted, they might rescind your admission.</p>