<p>By the time i finish writing this the tittle will be wrong. but i feel the need to vent, and this is the best way to do it. so in a couple of minutes the deadline will come by and close down, and then the process of reviewing our hard work will begin. the tought to me is kind of scary. specially since in the past couple of days i.ve worked so hard putting this application together[and i am sure i am not the only]. i am deffenately not ready for a rejection[as of now], but hopefully by the early april when we get our decision i am able to cope with one[highly doubt]. i guess this is the waiting period. it will most deff. be really hard. i want to wish you all rd applicants luck and the deffered also. hopefully i'll make it to CALS communication. keep your fingers crossed.lol. </p>
<p>I agree, good luck to RD applicants and ESPECIALLY to deferred applicants (me).
It’s funny that I’ll probably hear from Dartmouth (rejection) and Duke (rejection) before Cornell (rejection).
Or maybe not so funny.
<p>If you’ve been deferred, that’s not TOO bad… the rejection rate this year was crazy at my school.</p>
<p>Just hope for the best, and look at it this way: for MANY Ivy league students, they were rejected from everywhere else BUT from the school they go to. So you will hopefully get into one of your top choices. :)</p>
<p>Wait, do they have different notification dates? Jw b/c I applied to all those schools too.
Good luck though… I doubt you’ll get rejected by all three.</p>
<p>All ivies come out on the same date, last couple of years have been end of March, but Cornell’s server has a habit of crashing. You could possibly get all results withing 5 min.</p>
<p>I thought Dartmouth sent decisions out in early March?
And I think Duke sends theirs like 3/25 or something.
How selective is Duke compared to the Ivy League, Dartmouth-ish, Columbia-ish, etc?</p>
<p>I have this feeling that HumEc in particular was really difficult this year ED… anyone with me on that one?</p>
<p>By consensus, the Ivies have a common release date, typically planned for March 31 at 5:00 pm ET. But, some servers jump the time slot and open earlier in the day. But, Cornell’s contract colleges (SUNY affiliates) are not bound by the common release date.</p>
<p>Like some other privates, Dartmouth sends out “likely letters” on a rolling basis starting in late-Feb. Likelies are only sent to a few hundred applicants, so you can imagine its essentially the tippy-top of the applicant pool.</p>
<p>Oh I see, thanks for clearing that up bluebayou.
So do HumEc decisions come out before 3/31?</p>
<p>Well, I’m DEFINITELY not expecting any likelies to come knocking round my door… what other schools send likelies?
Would, say, Brandeis send a likely? It’s my safety, but I like it and I’d be really psyched if they gave me a good merit scholarship.</p>