<p>So to get valedictorian I have to take all the APs my school offers (9 :S). Unfortunately since I'm in band I'm gonna have to pick between third year Spanish and AP Stats.</p>
<p>Will colleges be ok if I take Stats to get valedictorian or is it more than "recommended" to take 3 years of language?</p>
<p>If val is a big thing at your school (it isn't really in ours since we have a tiny student body), you can go for Stats. I don't think any school actually "requires" 3 years of foreign language. There are people in our school that got into Ivies with only a year of foreign language (but we are overseas, so it's pretty much assumed that we know Chinese, Taiwanese, or both).</p>
<p>I don't think it's a big deal either way, pick the one that you're happy with. But I'd go for val if your class size is larger than 100-150 and you actually have a decent shot at it.</p>
<p>(I didn't have the "recommended" 4 years of math, since I skipped some math classes in between).</p>
<p>Many competitive schools expect 3-4 years of a foreign language. Even if 3-4 years is not "required" you will be competing against applicants with 4-5 years of foreign language. Also, AP stats is not as highly regarding as AP Calc AB.
As previous poster suggested, explore the websites and contact admissions at schools you are likely to apply to - any chance of taking an evening course or summer course in Spanish?</p>
<p>Well the only summer courses my school offers are for the basic classes that the retards fail.</p>
<p>And I'll ask if they do but I really doubt it JBV.</p>
<p>Also realize that I'm in band which takes up an entire slot. Do you think colleges will cut me slack since I'm in band and not foreign language?</p>
<p>It totally depends on where you want to apply. Top colleges expect 4 years of language so three would already be a disadvantage. On the other hand there are lots of scholarships that are given only to vals, so if you are applying to a second tier college and looking for merit aid, I'd choose being the val.</p>
<p>I also agree with taking summer or online classes to get it all done if you are applying to competitive schools. I wanted to take band just won't fly at those for not have a demanding load.</p>
<p>DS1 got through Spanish III and had to choose between continuing with that or taking journalism, which is the only way to get on newspaper staff at his school. The counselor balked, but DS explained to her that taking journalism was going to help his writing skills a lot more than another year of foreign language. He took jrl and hasn't looked back since. He's turned into a full-blown news hound and now has significant responsibilites on the paper, including a leadership role. It was one of the best decisions he made in HS.</p>
<p>As it turns out, Spanish is not one of the approved FLs for the grad school programs he may consider down the road, so another year would have cleared him of his required FL requirement on college, but NOT absolved him of the FL work he'd have to do to prepare for grad school. Given that he's going to have to take FL in college anyway, he'll just take a language that works for grad school.</p>
<p>AP Stat, even for kids going into the humanities, is a good course to have under your belt. It's not as hard as BC Calc, but both my kids (a math type and a history type) said they were taking it.</p>
<p>My S took AP Stats as a senior. Stats is a required class for his college major so that's just one less class he has to take. Also he heard that it was a tough course at his university so was really glad he got it out of the way in high sch.</p>
<p>I'm also valedictorian. You can try taking Spanish online through a college and take AP stats. You can keep it separate for your high school transcript, unless your school would give honors credit for it. You could also take the equivalent college course/ high school course of AP Stats online.</p>
<p>I'm taking French 2B(French 4) online in the Fall. My school doesn't offer any sort of Honors/AP French, so I've been taking it in colleges.</p>
<p>i was in almost the same situation.. so, i decided to do Spanish III through BYU as a correspondence course. i had already done this for spanish II and it was really easy (you might need help from a good spanish speaker a few times, but stuff is explained quite well in the coursework). for spanish III, you'll need to do two semesters - they send you all the coursework and it costs about $100 per semester. look it up on the BYU website for more info on how grades and assignments work.</p>
<p>I actually posted a thread on self-studying Spanish 3 before and several people replied with sites. Look through my threads and I think you can find the one I'm talking about.</p>
<p>You don't need a course for Env Sci and Psych. They are very easy AP exams that you can get a 5 on with only a prep book - I'm serious. I spent 4 hours on Env Sci without prior knowledge (well only my AP Bio knowledge) and 2 nights on Psych with PR. I got 5's on both.</p>
<p>Env Sci is just an extension of the ecological part of AP Bio. If you read through everything in Smarty Pants you should get almost all the info. Psych is generally a lot of term-memorizing. Use PR for it. </p>