4.0 transferable GPA, 40-50 hr/week managing position, but no ECs. Chance for CAL.

<p>@ SmartPants: OH! You bring up an excellent question also. How to incorporate an interest in 2 majors in one essay. This is pretty important. I applied to UCLA as a Psych major, and to UCB as a phil major. Same situation as you, but due to lack of prereq completion for UCB. I want to be a psych major. Fortunately, (as I’ve thoroughly researched this), you can switch into an impacted major at Berkeley. However, back to your question:</p>

<p>You’re going to need to explain this in your first Personal Statement. You’ll want to find a way to say that you intend to double major in Legal Studies and Psychology. In order to say this, you’ll have to back it up with examples/experience/interest shown for both. These are fairly different majors, but I’m sure they share some interrelated concepts. </p>

<p>You mentioned that you’re interested in law school. Perfect lol. You could write about how applying x, y, and z concepts in psychology can help you become a successful lawyer, and how legal studies can apply to your future career. << Or something like that. </p>

<p>Like I said, I wrote about my intended double major in psych/phil. If you want, I could PM you my personal statement, and that way you could see how to sort of incorporate both majors into a cohesive PS.</p>

<p>@ emilsinclair9:</p>

<p>please pm it to me :slight_smile: it will help me a lot!
Yea first I was shooting for Psych major for both UCLA and UCB, but immediately got discouraged by Berkeley’s prereq’s for Psych (some pre-med Bio and Chem is definitely not for me). I had a roommate (acutally 2) in my summer sublet in LA who went to Cal and majored in Legal Studies, he told me how awesome the program is. He works for a prestigious law firm here in LA now with a BA.</p>

I’m in WLAC (West Los Angeles College)</p>

<p>@ everyone:</p>

<p>Thank you guys for all your input. Now I definitely feel much better :D</p>

<p>@ SmartPants: God you and I are so similar! I also didn’t apply to UCB because of all the hard science/premed focus, but ironically there is hardly any premed focus for UCB psych! </p>

<p>What we both did is misread the assist.org psych path for UCB. All you need are 7 classes.</p>

<li>Psych 1</li>
<li>An Evolution course (not offered at my CCC)</li>
<li>a stats course</li>
<li>2 bio courses</li>
<li>and 2 out of these: anthro, soci, or poli sci. </li>

<p>I’m missing 1 evolution course and 1 anthro course, and that’s why I applied as a phil major. That said, if I get in for phil, I’ll be taking my evolution course at UCB this summer and cultural anthro in the fall so that I can declare psych.</p>

<p>Thus, you only really need 2 bio courses (for me: I did Human Bio and General Principles of Bio) to satisfy the requirement. When I had first looked at the psych requirements, I thought we needed an insane amount of chem, bio, physics, etc.</p>

<p>I’ll PM you my statement now :).</p>

<p>different community colleges have different requirements:
here’s the link for mine</p>

<p>[ASSIST</a> Report: LAWC 09-10 UCB Articulation Agreement by Major](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST)</p>

<p>The bio courses are 6 and 7. the thing is you can’t just take 6, you gotta take everything below 6 as there are also prereq’s for them! That’s when I realized that I wasn’t going to spend another 2 years at a CC. lol</p>

<p>Oh okay! That makes sense. Yeah, I was lucky enough to have a bunch of bio classes offered at my CCC, so I could just take my 2 classes without needing prereqs for them. I see that you would though. I completely get that.</p>

<p>btw in your pm you wrote “hey man”. haha I’m a girl ;)</p>

<p>Ahh I’m sorry! haha hard to tell through an sn! I’m sorry :).</p>

<p>haha no worries. it was kinda funny to be called dude though :slight_smile:
Thanks for the essay! You wrote about your community service, and I don’t have any… waaaaaah.
I’m gonna try this peace patrolling thing, perhaps. Law (in any prospective) is indeed what I have passion for. And regarding Psych, I can explain that patrolling is based on people watching, observations and psychological signs that indicate suspicious (or not) behavior. :smiley: you inspired me! thank you :)</p>

<p>I could definitely relate with you. I also work full-time, go to school part-time, and a single mother. I have no current volunteer work since I had my baby in 2001 but talking to the counselors and admission officers made me feel better. My ECs are the things I do at work. You just need to focus on your strengths and your perseverance. Keep it up!</p>

<p>Check out UCB’s archived webinars & presentations. They are very informative and helped me a lot with my application.</p>

<p><a href=“http://students.berkeley.edu/admissions/general.asp?id=4384[/url]”>http://students.berkeley.edu/admissions/general.asp?id=4384&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I had a counselor tell me that as a transfer student, UCs don’t really care about ECs anymore as they do when you apply as a hs student. They are much more interested in your GPA and completion of IGETC/pre-reqs. Employment is definitely a plus.</p>