4 and 6 year Graduation Rates

<p>My daughter is a HS senior deciding between admissions offers to the College of Business at Arizona, Penn State, and James Madison. My duaghter really likes Arizona, but a glaring statistic that concerns me about U of A are the 4 year and 6 year graduation rates (35 and 54%) which are only a little over half of what most large state universities report.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the reason or reasons so few students who attend U of A graduate?</p>

<p>I’m concerned not only for the cost of additional years (OOS tuition at any of the three schools), but more generally that a large percentage of the students must not be putting in the type of academic effort one would expect of college students and thereby creating a less than stimulating academic environment. (I note that ASU has similar graudation statistics - so maybe it’s just the sunshine :).</p>

<p>My D has also been accepted at U of A and the OOS tuition is a big concern especially if it takes her an extra year. That being said, I have a close friend who sent both his S and D there and both graduated in 4 years. The merit aid being offered comes with the stipulation that they must complete 30 units per year and maintain a 3.0 GPA so that may help to motivate some kids.</p>

<p>I live in AZ & both of my sisters graduated in 4 years, one with a double major in history & anthropology, the other in political science (graduated a semester early actually!) I have no idea why the statistics are so low, but everyone who I know that goes there is doing great & loves it. I think as long as you work hard & talk to your counselors to make sure you are completing your amount of credits in a timely fashion for your major, you should not worry about the statistics</p>