<p>I recently signed up for my junior year courses, and I am already stressed out about them...</p>

<p>Let me first say that I am NOT the kind of person who can walk into a class, listen to the teacher lecture about half of the time, and walk out of the class with an A. You know the type. I also do extracurriculars and volunteer work, so balancing everything isn't easy.</p>

<p>I'm looking for any tips about surviving junior year. There's the PSAT.. SAT.. studying for AP tests.. I'm already worried and I haven't even finished sophomore year! </p>

<p>I also would like to know if you think my schedule isn't challenging enough.. :/ (And just an FYI, I have a 4.0 NW/4.57 W GPA and I am willing to do the work. I'm not just signing up for these because I think they'll look impressive or because they'll bring my weighted GPA up)</p>

<p>My schedule:</p>

<p>AP US
AP English
AP Calc BC
AP Physics B
Honors Spanish 4
Advanced Debate/Psychology (second sem)

NHS (hopefully?)

<p>and I did about 252 hours of community service this past year.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your advice in advance! I really appreciate it.</p>

<p>this is an example of what the definition of CC on urban dictionary is…lol</p>

<p>Cut out a few extracurriculars and you’ll stay sane. My schedule this year was actually similar to yours, but I instead took AP calculus as AB and AP chemistry added on for a total of 5 AP’s.</p>

<p>I’d recommend you stick with Debate and whichever one of piano and tennis you’re best at. Of course, if you manage to get into NHS you should also stay. And I think you have enough CS hours, so take a break this year, you have to have your best academic performance your junior year.</p>

<p>Really, it’s just 7 classes. I took 8 classes this year with few EC’s and I’m about fine except for APUSH, which is justified anyways because I don’t even like history.</p>

<p>Well this is awkward… Firstly, I can assure you I’m not a pretentious ******, a ■■■■■, or a snotty genius trying to make you feel bad. I’m asking for advice.</p>

<p>Secondly, I lol at the fact that this is coming from someone who chooses the username “YoungProdigy”, how hypocritical…</p>

<p>But in all seriousness, as cliche as this sounds, if you don’t have anything nice to say to me please don’t say it at all. And if you don’t like what you read on here just delete your account and go read a book or climb a tree. </p>


<p>And as for Godot17, thanks for the advice. Which extracurricular do you suggest I cut out if I like all of them? Is NSpanishHS worth keeping? And in all seriousness, are my extracurriculars enough?</p>

<p>You can always drop debate and take a study hall if the workload is too much for you. Honestly, I think AP English is the only class that’s going to be exceptionally challenging for you. APUSH is memorization, BC is just math lol, and I found Physics easy, but it may be different for you.</p>

<p>Keep piano, tennis, debate, and NHS if you get in. Drop everything else and only keep community service if you can handle everything else just fine.</p>

<p>That schedule shouldn’t be a problem. I have a somewhat similar schedule with the following:</p>

<p>AP US
AP English
AP Psych
AP Physics C
Honors Spanish 4
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations at State University</p>

<p>and it has balanced out pretty well. I did all the extracurriculars you do (coincedentally) plus 6 or 7 more. I volunteered about 200 hours and spent about 300 hours in a microbiology lab, which produced a published paper. I’m not smart and definetely not a genius. Work hard and you should be fine.</p>

<p>Why not DECA and FBLA? I qualed for nats in them both this year and I plan on going to DECA nationals in about a month and running for FBLA and DECA officer next year. I like public speaking/presenting which is why I’m in FBLA, DECA, and debate lol</p>

<p>@setupcontrol was AP Psych hard? I heard it was kind of a joke but I’m not sure… And what were your extracurriculars (if you don’t mind sharing)?</p>

<p>Taking a similar course-load next (Junior, of course) year:
AP Physics B
AP Biology
AP English 3
AP Statistics
AP Spanish 4
Pre-AP Pre-Calc</p>

<p>I’m also going to be doing debate, but since my schedule is already full, I’ll just be writing cases and going to tournaments. Out of curiosity, what debate event are you going to do/what league? Aside from debate, all I’m doing is co-authoring a book, but that does not require any set amount of time, so I can just push it aside if there is other work to be done.</p>

<p>Obviously, I don’t have the ECs that you do, so my free time will be able to absorb the workload with less compromise, and so perhaps I am not be the best person to be giving you advice, but here goes. To tell you to drop any of your ECs at this point, I think, would be a bit premature. I honestly think that you’re going to have to wait and find out exactly how the courses are going to affect you, as there is some serious variance between schools, and even between teachers at the same school. For instance, AP Physics B is notorious at my school for being the hardest course, with AP Chemistry at a close second, and APUSH has quite a ridiculous workload, all of which is, of course, directly attributable to the teacher. All of this may be very different at your school.</p>

<p>You’re going to have to talk to your teachers for next year, inquire about every aspect of the class, and do the same for as many of their students as possible, none of which can be done for you. You’re then going to have to make personal decisions regarding what you really want to do with the time that you have. Where do you want to be at the end of high school career? Taking rigorous courses is a means, not an end, and only you can balance your goals and decide what is really important to you.</p>

<p>Where are you planning on applying, and what career path(s) do you have in mind? Also, PSAT score, if you don’t mind my asking? I assume you took it as a sophomore. 196 here, don’t make fun of me.</p>

<p>To briefly answer your other questions, there’s very little I can tell you that you don’t already know regarding surviving the year, if you’ve been able to maintain that GPA thus far, but one thing to be certain of is that you should not wait to begin studying for the PSAT/SAT/AP tests. Pay close attention and be as close to mastery as possible in your AP courses come testing time, but begin studying outside of your given material as early as you can. One does not simply get a 240/2400/5 for the respective test just from a 5 week flurry of studying, but you already know this. Given your achievements so far, I wouldn’t be worried about the course work itself, but the rigorous schedule may cause you to lose sight of things like the SAT. Just plan ahead and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Dang, that’s a lot of APs! Thank you for all of your advice, I will definitely take it all into account. I do straight up debate, but I live in Kansas and we have our own league… I’m planing on going to a debate camp this summer so that’s good! As for college, I’d love to go to an ivy… I’ve got my sight set on Brown but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get in :confused: and my parents want me to go to Harvard but the chances of that even slimmer. </p>

<p>I want to be a professor but I don’t know what i want to teach so that’s kind of a problem lol. PSAT score this year was a 207. Your score isn’t bad bro… As for studying for APs… I have no idea where to start :frowning: any tips on that?</p>

<p>Yes, I’ve been told that I’m crazy, insane, will drop half of them, will want to kill myself, etc. </p>

<p>The reason I ask about debate is that in our league (UIL Texas), debate is split into value centered 1v1 (LD) and policy 2v2 (CX). </p>

<p>As for studying for APs, I like to just take practice tests, then review all of the questions and each individual answer choice, understanding why all are right/wrong. Make vocab flash cards for extra measure, and if you have time leftover, more textbook reading review, tests and flashcards can’t hurt. </p>

<p>In the case that you haven’t seen this already:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/955109-silverturtles-guide-sat-admissions-success.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/955109-silverturtles-guide-sat-admissions-success.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Quite thorough. Enjoy.</p>

<p>hahaha all I can say is good luck, it seems tough but I’m sure you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Oh I see what you’re saying! I’m policy. We split forensics and debate into two different semesters so I was kind of confused when you first asked your question.</p>

<p>Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for all of your advice, and good luck with those APs!</p>