4 years foreign language vs an extra AP for a UC school

Happy Friday. My kid is trying to weight the options for junior schedule
option1: 7 periods with 2 AP (additional foreign language)
option2: 6 periods with 3 AP

How important is foreign language vs higher GPA in UC acceptant. Thank you!

I asked a similar question, have the counselor weight in but still not sure. Please let me know if your accepted students at a UC school needs 4 years foreign languages. Thanks!

What are the 7 and 6 courses for each option? It is hard for anyone to even guess without that context.

If you are gaming the UC recalculated GPA, remember that it is only one part of the holistic reading at UC, and you may want to try calculating it under each scenario with the same grades to see how much of a difference it really makes. Gaming the (weighted capped) GPA calculation may matter a bit more with CSUs, which just plug it into their admission formulae.

Since this is simply a variation of your last thread, I am closing. Users can respond in your other thread

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