<p>Ah yes, well that is the classic question I am always asked, and that I ask myself.</p>
<p>Occassionally, I say to myself... "I can be in Daytona right now flying over the beach." I was enrolled in Embry-Riddle with AFROTC and I was all set. I was accepted in May I believe, and I had 2 weeks to decide. And I knew very little about the CG because I thought I was going to get into the USAFA.</p>
<p>I decided to accept because, after some deep thinking, realized that I would like a career in which I SAVE lives rather than END lives. Once I understood that about myself, the decision was easy, and i'm happy I made it. Sure I could be in Daytona now where it's probably 70... but I wouldn't have eet the people here that will be my life long friends, and I wouldn't be training to save lives.</p>
<p>It's very hard to explain, but that's what it boils down to... do you want to be normal, or do you want to be elite? Not elite as in BETTER than other - we work for citizens, we do not look down upon them... but elite as in... special... unique...different in a good way. It's a great feeling when you're in public to have people come up to you and thank you for what you're doing. This may sound odd but... for the occasional people who oppose the military and who may say something (thinking you're in the navy or something), it's always nice to know that all I have to say is "Oh, no no sir, I don't kill people, I save people." Take that with a grain of salt, i'm not hitting upon other services, but the fact that our main mission is the HUMANITARIAN mission makes us special.</p>
<p>R-Day was hell... that's all i have.</p>
<p>Haha but really is was a lonnnnnnnnng day. Swab summer the days were long but the weeks were short. The best advice is to do what you need to do, know your indoc, and ALWAYS STICK UP FOR YOUR SHIPMATES and do not sandbag! Once you're defined as a sandbagger, you WILL NOT earn your respect back. That happened to some people from my company but I won't say any more about that.</p>
<p>Sorry if this reply is a little unorganized but it's been a long day... have a great Thanksgiving everyone!</p>