5 classes 1st semester or too ambitious?

<p>Would taking 5 classes the 1st semester be too risky and ambitious especially if two of them are premed classes and one is advanced foreign language? Will most people stick with 4 to be safe and to get a feel for the difficulty of classes?</p>

<p>Which pre-med classes, specifically?</p>

<p>You'll have to get approval from your advisor to take five classes your first semester.</p>

<p>"Which pre-med classes, specifically?"
Chem 201 and EEB 211, I know they're introductory, but you never know how rigorous they could be.</p>

<p>unless you really really care, just take four and enjoy a slightly easier introduction to college life. You can always take 5 every other semester</p>

<p>CHM 201 and EEB 211 are both quite easy. They're basically AP-equivalent courses.</p>

<p>I wanted to take Chem 215, but the lecture was the same exact day and time as EEB 211. The topics in EEB 211 seem very similar to the topics on the mcat, so I don't think I can give it up. mzhang23, why did you take EEB 211? Do you agree? Why didn't u take Chem 215?</p>

<p>If you were thinking about 215, you could try taking the placement test and skip first-year chem altogether. 211 was very helpful for the MCAT, as was MOL214.</p>

<p>I have the ap credit to skip first year chem if I wanted to, but I'm not ready to take organic and plus I took ap chem my junior year, so I might have forgotten quite a bit. So I think I'll have to take Chm 201+202</p>

<p>If I have four classes, two of which are the writing seminar and orgo (CHM 301), will I be able to PDF a random "just-for-fun" type class?</p>

<p>If they let you, I don't see why not, but I think there's a rule that says once you designate a class PDF, it goes towards your 4 PDFs and you can't get it back, even if you drop the class.
Enjoy orgo, btw!</p>

<p>you don't have to jump right in with orgo, you could just not take a chem your freshman year, which will give you a chance to explore a bit more. Very little genchem knowledge is needed for orgo</p>

<p>ooh, I just read what I wrote and realized that my intended meaning was totally different. What I meant was, since generally we can only have 4 classes the semester with the WRI, do you think an exception can be made if the fifth class I want to take is PDF?</p>

<p>"Orgo" <em>shudder</em></p>

<p>Hey, we can be CHM 301 buddies!</p>

<p>What if PDF?</p>

<p>I just did an online Foreign language place out test for Chinese last week and got 87/90 and tomorrow I am going to have an oral part test in the department. I might be able to place out the requirement for foreign language in Princeton. If I do, the department says they will give me two credits. I know we need 30 credits to fulfil Princeton AB. Does it mean then I only need 28 credits to fullfil the requirement? And anyone knows how they compute GPAs for these "place out" credits (count A or Bs or don't count them at all)?</p>

<p>I am a pre-med students too. If I can be placed out foreign language requirement, then I am going to take Chem 201, EEB211, Physics 103 and writing seminar first semester, and Chem 202, Mol 214, Physics 104 and a selective for the second semester. Are three Pre-med science classes too much for the first year or they are just easy classes? I want to take mcat before junior year since I can have consistent high scores for Mcat verbal practice tests now.</p>


<p>PDF = Pass/D/Fail grading option</p>