5 in IB English?

<p>I have 7's in everything else, but I have a 5 in IB HL English. Will this affect my chances severely? I'm applying to HYPSM and I heard they reject everyone with below a 6 in English...</p>

<p>“You heard.” That sounds like generalizations and fear mongering. I highly doubt a single factor would lead to rejection, especially something like a predicted IB English score, which is not something that most applicants will have anyway (since most applicants won’t have taken IB.)</p>

<p>My guess as to the reality: students with lower IB English scores also tend to have lower scores in other areas that make them less strong applicants overall; it’s not the IB English score that gets them rejected. Especially if you’re predicted for 7s in everything else and English just isn’t your strongest suit, relax. It’s still an above average score, and there’s nothing you can do about the predicted score now.</p>