<p>Hey guys, So by the time I apply to UCLA I will have gone to 6 different CCC's. Do you think that's a hindrance, or do you think it's looked at as favorable since I had to hunt down my major prereqs by running all over Los Angeles? Or, is UCLA completely indifferent to this sort of thing?</p>
<p>Also, anyone gone through this experience? If so, was getting all these transcripts into UCLA harder considering the amount of schools? Tips welcome. :)</p>
<p>Not at all. They won’t care one bit.</p>
<p>I have 4 CCCs and 1 CSU on my transcripts, and I was accepted at UCLA and UC Irvine, which were the only 2 UCs I applied to. </p>
<p>Once I was accepted to UCLA I went online and ordered transcripts from each of my schools. Having to get transcripts from so many schools, I recommend you don’t wait til the last minute to order them. Every school has a different process for ordering, so just check with each school. </p>
<p>It’s a little bit of a hassle, but waaaay worth it for UCLA! Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks a bunch guys. UCLA is the only school I’m applying to to, so every duck needs to be lined up just right. ;)</p>
<p>@fullload </p>
<p>No other schools to apply to? Not even Berkeley?</p>
<p>Daaaayum :O</p>
<p>Not that you asked for advice on this, but you should really apply to more than just UCLA. There are so many threads started by people that say things like “the only school I applied to rejected me. Now what do I do?” Give yourself a safety or 2. Even for the most qualified of applicants UCLA is a crapshoot.</p>
<p>Like others have said, it should not be a hindrance. Application might be a little annoying since you’ll have to keep track of 6 different schools, but other than that you should be fine. Also, it may even show that you have initiative to complete your prerequisites and might even give you a little edge (not much though).</p>
<p>Submitting all those transcripts should not be a problem. Most schools (if not all) usually have an online method to send transcripts. If that isn’t an option then you can always call the school to send the transcript for you. Also, I think it’s required by law that the school allows 2 free transcripts so money wise you’re covered too.</p>
<p>Good luck on your applications in the future. The only tip I would have is to work on your personal statements a bit early.</p>
<p>I attended 6 different community colleges (8 if you count the three different colleges I went to in the San Diego Community College District). I got into UCLA, UCI, UCR, and was waitlisted to UCSD. Don’t wait until the last minute to order your transcripts. And I HIGHLY recommend applying to at least one other school. UCSD was my #1 choice and I am on the waitlist. :/</p>
<p>You can go to 20 and it doesn’t matter. I too went to 4 CC’s, and it was a non-issue. Only pain in the butt was ordering transcripts and having them to send them. You can order them online, but a couple school’s only did rushes via in-person. I went from enrolling into LACC’s to Moorpark because my units were quite high and my registration date was so damn late. By the time it was my time to enroll, classes were full. </p>
<p>Thanks so much guys! As for applying to just one school, I’m a non-trad (older guy) and own a home in the Westchester area. I also have kids in school which can not be disrupted, so moving is not an option and there’s frankly no UC within driving distance, except UCLA. I might apply to UCI as a back up, but that’s a solid hour drive from my home in traffic.</p>
<p>And CSU is out of the question for me. </p>
<p>Hopefully, with TAP and holding this 3.9, there should be no reason I don’t get into UCLA as an American Lit. major. I also have several EC’s that will help including lots of published work, running a non-profit for 3 years and working in the literary field for several years. I’m also a URM and can write the hell out of a personal statement.
If I’m not the perfect UCLA candidate, I don’t know what is. If there truly is no “ageism” I should be a lock.</p>
<p>I really appreciate you guys looking out for me though, it means a lot. :)</p>
<p>Why is CSU out of the question? </p>
<p>I don’t want to offend anyone going to a CSU, I’m sure they are great options for some, just not for me. I want the very best education possible and UCLA’s English department has everything I want. It’s a matter of being around the block in the literary world for the last ten years and having a deeper understanding of who the professors are in this town. I actually know a few at UCLA. I’m sure CSU’s have fine English departments, but as arrogant as it sounds, I feel like I owe it to myself to secure the very best and I’m just not going to settle.</p>
<p>Man, did I just sound like a dic* right there? Lol, sorry. :)</p>
<p>@fullload - I’m non-trad too. I get exactly what you’re saying about being limited geographically, as I’m in the same boat. I’m not sure what your reasons are for not wanting to do a CSU, but don’t rule then out completely. Like you, UCLA is the only UC that was really convenient geographically. However, I did apply to a couple of CSUs just in case. If you happen not to get into UCLA, it would be good to have an option- even if ultimately you didn’t exercise that option. </p>
<p>After making the decision to go back to school later in life, I know how laser focused you have to be on your goals to make them happen. Just look at some of the stats of people who did not get accepted this year into UCLA. There were some awesome applicants who were rejected, so just keep that in mind. </p>
<p>Just reconsider CSU, as a backup. </p>
<p>Great advice and good common sense, Candles. I will reconsider and think about it more over the next couple months before the application process begins. CSULB does in fact have a good English department, so it’s an option I suppose.</p>
<p>@fullload There are people with under 3.4 who have gotten in at UCLA with American Lit . The average acceptance was under 3.5 last year. Unless you are missing a class, or there is some mistake you should get in, with Tap and a 3.9 GPA. Yes, there were people with 4.0 who did not get into UCLA but they were not American Lit majors. Now if you were applying as an English Major, even though you have a great chance, it would be wise to have a back up. How much of a sure thing is the alternative major with a Tap? Is there any reason why you don’t apply as an English major with American Lit as back up? </p>
<p>Hi @annie2015 Excellent pints and it’s one reason I did decide on American Lit instead of English, for that 3.4 odds.
What I’m really after is the creative writing concentration they offer. They offer it for both English and American Lit majors, so it seemed crazy to shoot for English which is so impacted and averages a 3.7 admission when Am Lit has a 3.4 and plenty of room. My backup major is actually completely unrelated, Poli Sci. The reason being is I’m off to law school right after UCLA, so my major isn’t that significant really. Thanks again guys!</p>
<p>@fullload, good plan</p>