7th and 8th Grade Classes for UC Application

So in 7th grade and 8th grade I took Chinese 1-2 and Chinese 3-4 respectively. The problem is that it does not show up on my HS transcript. Do I still report it anyway? Are they gonna automatically reject me if they don’t see those classes on my HS transcript? I took Chinese 5-6 in 9th grade and AP Chinese in 11th.

From the UC application guide:

If you’ve taken any high school-level math or language other than English courses in 7th or 8th grade, you can enter them on this page.
• 7th & 8th grade courses do not need to appear on your high school transcript.
• Only enter courses with grades of C or better.
• Math (including the Geometry requirement) and Language other than English (LOTE) are the only subject areas that can be met by course work in middle school.

Thank you very much!

For Chinese or other language other than English, the fact that you have year 3 and 4 in high school validates year 1 and 2 for UC purposes anyway. UC effectively uses highest level completed to determine if you meet the language other than English requirement (high school year 2 or equivalent required, high school year 3 recommended for admission; graduation may require higher level than that).

@ucbalumnus the application asks you to include junior high LOTE and high school level math. Look at page 19 here: https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/_assets/files/how-to-apply/application-guide-freshman-applicants.pdf