I am new to this website, but I've been stalking it for quite a while. Anyways, before you get upset that I am posting this in the chance thread, hear me out. I am an eighth grader going into ninth grade, and I'm taking Honors English, Bio, and Math next year as well as Leadership and AP Geography. I need some help for tips on what I should do in high school so that I can get into a good college ( ex: Stanford, U Michigan, Georgetown, etc.). I don't just want to load up on a bunch of EC's and courses I know I'm not going to enjoy, so if you had any ideas for fun EC's/courses you took in high school, I would like to know. Here's some of the things I've been thinking about doing:
- Track
- Volleyball
- Starting a peer tutoring club at my school for kids that need help.
- Going to Stanford's summer program (I know it's hard to get in, but I can dream)
- Taking the main AP history courses, like World and Gov.
- Helping out at the library
- Starting a reading club at my school
- Joining Builders Club ( it's a community service thing)
- Raising money for Habit for Humanity
- Free babysitting!
- Helping children in Africa learn basic math and reading skills/ doing a foreign exchange program</p>
<p>Share your thoughts down below! I think this could be a helpful thread for anyone else in my situation. </p>
<p>Oh, and two more more things:
Will have four citizenships/visas/green cards (I don't know how else to say it) help my chances of getting into college? I have citizenship to Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, and the US.
What universities do you think I should go for?</p>
<p>You sound like a very motivated person–your list of things to do is quite extensive. Pick three or four and really put time into them, make sure you don’t let your grades slip (freshman year matters!!) and you should be very well off.</p>
<p>Stanford has several summer programs, so which one interests you?</p>
<p>Also, for HYP, this isn’t hook-worthy but start worrying about that sophomore year.
In the meantime, join anything that interests you and youre better at people I .
(For me, I made my school’s chemistry club and am a chem olympiad finalist.)</p>
<p>Also, go to sat prep (and/or act).
People always say it’s too early until it’s too late…</p>
<p>Also, you SHOULD take all APs, if you can, since most people who go to schools like Duke, UPenn have a genuine love of learning and those aps help develop your core.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help:) I probably will take lots of AP classes ( maybe 8-11) in subjects I’m interested in.
Also, I plan on studying for the SAT/ACT this summer, although I’ll mainly be memorizing vocabulary and whatnot. Next summer I’ll probably look more into the Stanford programs. Right now the SSIHP program looks the most fun. I did get a letter from People to People about doing a leadership program at Harvard, but I did some research and it’s a scam:(.
Some more questions:
-Would it be helpful to get an internship/mini job? My parents have some connections, so I might be able to help out with some of their friend’s businesses (maybe a sorting files at a law office)?
- Are there any other worthwhile summer programs out there other than Stanford’s? I would love to do one that focuses on leadership or government.
- How much does income bracket matter? Does it hurt or help that my parent’s earn 250K+ ? I was thinking of applying for academic scholarships.
-Just curious… you don’t have to answer but where to did you go to uni/where are you applying.</p>
<p>Your quadruple citizenship will not help on the application itself, but it would make an excellent essay topic. But you can worry about that when junior year arrives.</p>
<p>You’re clearly on the right track in terms of course rigor, since you’re already starting with APs freshmen year. Just make sure to keep your grades high. 11 APs won’t make up for Bs and Cs on a transcript.</p>
<p>In terms of extracurriculars, you seem very interested in leadership. I would suggest Model United Nations or Model Congress/Debate clubs if your school has them. They are extremely fun, challenging, and will make you a better person [speaking from experience here :)] You should also consider student government. While it may seem pointless at times, (admittedly I used to think of it as glorified party-planning), it shows a lot of effort and management skills and will also help you develop into a more skilled person.</p>
<p>UPenn’s Wharton has several leadership programs, such as Leadership in the Business World and M&TSI, but those are mostly for rising Seniors/Juniors. Right now you could spend your summer volunteering (if you’re interested) or getting some sort of internship or job.</p>
<p>I’m still a part of this whole process, but, IMO you should lead a high school life that helps you grow. Top schools are like lotteries, and the odds are always against you. Pick activities in high school so that, when you look back senior year, even if you didn’t get into the college you wanted, you don’t regret a minute of what you did.</p>
<p>Nihilus- Thanks for the help! If my school doesn’t have a Model UN club, I could always start one. I’m sure that would attract at least a couple of the nerds like me:) And I probably won’t take 11 AP’s. If I do one freshman year, one/two sophomore year, two/three junior year, and two/three senior year, I think that will be. It’s probably best I focus on trying to get 4/5 on all of them. I’m already studying for AP Geography.
I saw that you got a 2400 on the SATs. Good job, and I hope you get into at least a few of the Ivies.</p>
<p>I recommend Kaplan
I took that for 3 summers and I think it helped me (be sure to take it on-campus, not online, though) </p>
<p>Try to excel in a sport/instrument/debate etc. That is what I think makes a lot of applicants stand out from the good grade/good score crowd. Good Luck!</p>
<p>If you do decide to start MUN or Model congress, feel free to PM me. My school has been ranked top ten in the nation for MUN for several years now, so I can offer you some insider advice ;)</p>
<p>Nihilus- Thanks. I really like the idea of MUN and think that I would enjoy it:)
lastspartan- I’ll look into Kaplan. I’ll probably go the debate/sports/community service route:)</p>
<p>I forgot to ask… is something like National Honor Society worth it?</p>
<p>It will help a little, but won’t hurt you if you don’t make it.</p>
<p>Our chapter of NHS does not do anything. It is an okay addition to your college app.</p>
<p>I’m deciding whether or not to join (for 9th grade). I did it both 6th and 7th grade, but didn’t ‘feel’ like it this year. I thought it was pretty pointless. Plus the advisor nominated me for the the People to People Ambassador program, and she was one of the few adults I always felt didn’t like me. I’m convinced that she did it as a joke, considering People to People is scam:(</p>
<p>bumpatity bump bump</p>
<p>Lol there’s only so much advice/chancing people can give you when you’re in eighth grade. You seem like an extremely driven and intelligent person. You’re on the right track. You know what to do. Now stop hanging around CC and do it.</p>
<p>There’ll be plenty of time for browsing chance threads your summer after junior year lol.</p>
<p>I may wrong but isn’t Builder’s Club a middle school club? I thought Key Club was its high school equivalent.</p>
<p>Yes Key Club is a HS club, but since my school is set up so that 8th and 9th graders are in the same building, Builders Club it is.</p>