9,000 freshmen getting in - what % is that?

<p>Hey guys -
I went on a road trip and visited UF (along with FSU) last week. When I was at UF, the tour guide said that due to budget cuts only 9,000 freshman would get to go.
Anyone have an estimate on how many people apply? So i'll know what the acceptance rate is?

<p>with their 90,000 applicants, that puts it at 10% [/sarcasm]</p>

<p>not sure, to be honest.</p>

<p>Well, if they get roughly the same amount of applicants as they did last year (23,000)…that is about 39%…O.o Which is crazy…I heard they were accepting 10,000 about September, that sucks they cut off 1,000 people.</p>

<p>While I haven’t seen the Common Data Set for the 2008 Freshman year, I just saw in two places that there were 28,000 applicants. Assuming the same number for 2009, 9000 would be a 32% admit rate.</p>

<p>Its not exactly 9000 “get to go.” Rather they will offer 9000 letters of acceptance to get a yield of 5000 in the freshman class. Not everyone who receives an acceptance actually chooses to attend. I am guessing 28,000-30,000 applied.</p>

<p>Lately UF has had a “yield rate” of about 67%.
That means that of the students actually receiving acceptances, 67% actually enroll.
The other 33% more than likely go into their “dream” private school or whatever…
So at 9,000 accepted with a yield of 67% that projects out to an “enrolled” class of about 6,030.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, with the economy being what it is, I would expect that yield to GROW!
Could lead to some overcrowding.
Tricky times for UF.</p>

<p>Tricky times for everyone really</p>

<p>I read in the Gainesville Sun that the Admin people were lamenting over the fact that the Gators won the National Championship. This is because they knew that it would boost the yield rate to an even higher rate. Add in Florida’s economic woes, and the Bright Futures Scholarship, UF could very well have one of the strongest yield rates in the entire USA.</p>

Remember UF is cutting at the very least 4,000 Undergraduates over the next few years. It reasonbile to assume that the next incoming class admit rate will be sub-30%.</p>

<p>That is sobering news. The guessing game will be over in just 11 nail biting days.</p>

<p>And, I’ve heard of “Holistic Admissions” - didn’t get an exact definition but I inferred that it’s a type of affirmative action. Does this mean that the admissions is more competitive for non-minority students? I’m not trying to sound racist, I’m just trying to figure out the statistics.</p>

<p>"And, I’ve heard of “Holistic Admissions” - didn’t get an exact definition but I inferred that it’s a type of affirmative action. Does this mean that the admissions is more competitive for non-minority students? I’m not trying to sound racist, I’m just trying to figure out the statistics. "</p>

<p>Uhh Ya… </p>

<p>It is also known as Social Engineering and it’s brought to you complements of the fringe-left. It is not fair, it is not equitable, but hey it meets a specific political agenda and therefore must be in the best interest of the University of Florida.</p>

<p>So since I’m white does that mean my chances will be tougher? (Again, I’m not racist and don’t want/mean to come across that way)</p>

<p>YES! Caucasians and Asians will have a more difficult chance of being admitted.</p>

<p>Sucks doesn’t it?</p>

<p>From the following link:
Office of Institutional Planning and Research - UF Factbook
Click on the “New freshmen” link. 2007 vs. 2008 admitted data.
While all other races went up, black students went DOWN 244 students or 3.7%</p>

<p>2007 FTIC’s 2008 FTIC’s
American Indian: UP .5%
Asian: UP 0.8%
Black: DOWN -3.7%
Hispanic: UP 0.6%
Non-Res Alien: UP 0.2%
Not Reported: 0.5%
White: UP 1.0%</p>

<p>Biggest WINNER: White students UP 1%
Biggest LOSER: Black sudents DOWN 3.7%</p>

<p>I would immagine that the next admission cycle will be about the same. So much for any perceived “holistic” advantage to blacks.</p>

<p>Ironic that races that are perceived to have the hardest chance in admission are also the races that have the highest percentage increase in enrollment…</p>

<p>First off provide a link. I remember reading a press-release that said admissions for African Americans at UF was down, however Hispanic enrollment was UP. But I expect them to use smoke and mirrors to achieve an agenda. It’s easy to tailor the research to make things seem different than reality.</p>

<p>They used smoke and mirrors to stipulate that Transfer Enrollment was down. The truth was that once I saw the statistics it was blatently obvious that it was a fabrication they made up to appease those who demand excellence. They said thousands were cut, but this was simply not true. They have NO CREDIBILITY in my book.</p>

<p>Also I remeber reading that Minority Admissions did pretty darn well in 2005 & 2006.</p>

<p>Look the reason I hammer Holistic Admissions is because I see a slippery slope that could occur if let go unchecked. I do not like what is going on at UCLA. I do not like it one bit!</p>

<p>Hope this one works.From the following link:</p>

<p>[Office</a> of Institutional Planning and Research - UF Factbook](<a href=“http://www.ir.ufl.edu/fall.htm]Office”>Office of Institutional Planning and Research - UF Factbook)</p>

<p>Click on the “New freshmen” link. 2007 vs. 2008 admitted data only.</p>

<p>I was reading about UCLA’s last incoming class. They had over 50K applications to choose from, and the ACT went from 24 - 31.</p>

<p>That is a disgustingly large disparity in my honest opinion.</p>