>_> This is unbelievable-should I cancel scores?

<p>Alright, so this what went down. When time was called after each test I put my pencil down and didn't mark anything. I looked at my scantron and counted how many questions I didn't answer. Anyways, after all the testing was done, me and like 5 other people are waiting in front of the school. (I didn't test at my home school) Anyways, so this girl comes up to me and says "Hey, I saw u taking the test." Me: "Uh, yeah." Her: "I noticied that u continued working after time was called." Me: "No, I was wasn't writing anything, I was just reading" (Yeah that sounds dumb, lol) Her: "Well, I'm not gonna report u, but I just wanted to let you know." And then she walks aways. The only problem is that I remeber her talking to the proctor at the end of testing. So, I think she might have reported me for "cheating". So, what should I do, will CB actually look into this or just laugh it off? If then actually investigate her accusations, should I cancel before they happen? Help, please. >.></p>

<p>wow, that ***** needs to be slapped
unbelievable. sure you weren’t cheating?</p>

<p>You’re psyching yourself out. Let it go.</p>

<p>Yeah, I didn’t mark anything after time was up.</p>

<p>Wow…she probably was just a strange person. Plus, if the proctor didnt explicitly see you cheat, can you really get into trouble for anything?</p>

<p>If the proctor didn’t say anything to you, he/she didn’t do anything. Plus, if you put your pencil down and were only looking at your answer sheet, you were obviously not giving yourself an unfair advantage. That girl was probably just mistaken.</p>

<p>dont cancel, lmao.</p>

<p>the proctors not going to avoid confronting you about it but somehow get you in trouble over a ******** claim</p>