A.B. Duke Scholarship


<p>Do you guys know the profiles of those that get the AB Duke? Do you need to win in Intel STS or publish a novel or anything of that sort? Will applying early increase your chance of getting AB Duke? Just curious! XD</p>


<p>I have not spent much time searching past recipients of the scholarship. I dont think you necessarily need to deworm orphans in Gana or write a famous medical publication, but you have to pretty darn successful and accomplished(around 40 of the 20,000 + applicants that apply to Duke). I am sure if you went onto the AB Website, you could find out a little more about the winners in previous years. </p>

<p>As for ED vs RD, from what I know, ED applicants are given the same consideration as RD applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks! May I know how did you comes out with a conclusion that ED applicants are given the same consideration as RD applicants?</p>

<p>The AB scholars do a lot of amazing stuff.
They are the ones who not only show the most academic success (many are just people accepted to Duke AND HYP w/o any scholarship), they are the ones who show the most intellectual passion.
It’s really difficult to get. Getting into Duke is an accomplishment in itself.</p>

<p>Agreed. Getting into Duke is hard enough…
Do you happen to know what type of questions do they ask you in the interviews? How long will it be? And, will it be the same as Duke’s (non-scholarship version) or any other college’s interview?</p>

<p>Anyway, why isn’t there that many threads about AB Duke here? I mean I have search the Duke forum…I mean it is a prestigious scholarship. Shouldn’t there be more threads for it then?</p>

<p>I think there is a dearth of threads about the scholarship for several reasons:</p>

<p>1) They decide based on the applicant pool, you really don’t have any say in it
2) The competitive field for this is limited probably to only top 10-20% of the Duke class each year
3) Only a few people get it each year</p>

<p>Personally, this scholarship would certainly ameliorate my financial woes, but I don’t even have a shot at it…</p>

<p>“1) They decide based on the applicant pool, you really don’t have any say in it”
I believe all Duke applicants will be automatically assessed for the scholarship.</p>

<p>I thought I saw somewhere that someone said that the scholarship was given to mostly science types…is this accurate??</p>