A beautiful campus: are you sure its a SUNY?

<p>The campus is not butt ugly. It does not look like a factory or a NY state middle school. Can someone confirm that its a SUNY? I find it highly doubtful. its not drab, ugly, falling apart, and hard on the eyes. Have you seen Binghamton or Albany? Now those are truly ugly. Cold, ugly and unpleasant. So how is it possible that this one looks like a real college campus instead of another state issue or prison?</p>

<p>I’ve been to Geneseo with my son 3 years ago.I had the same feeling as you and the faculty there was warm and truly had it all together. I was very impressed. My son did not attend but my daughter was just accepted and we are heading up this week. I hope she falls in love with it like I had 3 yrs earlier. I knew then it was the place for her.I had the chance to speak with the dean of education and felt right away that I would have my daughter apply. After visiting Bing, Albany, New Paltz and Oneonta…I found it the warmest that I had seen.</p>

<p>There is just something about the place we all love!!!</p>

<p>Insidelane. Your continual condescending remarks about SUNY schools are growing ever more annoying. Outside of a handful of top colleges in New York State, our SUNY universities and colleges provide the highest quality education at affordable prices. While not blessed with enormous endowments or movie set campuses, the top campuses provide a competitive and challenging environment for academic achievers. Believe me-send your kid to Binghamton and see if they come out on top. That place is filled with students fighting, not spoon fed, to climb higher in life. Take a look at the admission numbers for Geneseo, Binghamton and most recently New Paltz. Tough to get in and filled with great students.</p>

<p>That is so great to hear. That is something that has turned my daughter off at some of the other SUNYs. We go to Geneseo next week and I’m hoping we both come out of the visit thinking this is the place for her.</p>