A bit of class advice?

<p>Okay, so I'm in a bit of a dilemma, and would really appreciate some advice. I am pretty much undecided in my major, but I'm considering doing Communicative Disorders, International Relations, or Computer Science. None of these are set in stone, they're just what I've considered doing for about a year.</p>

<p>Now, the problem is that I have a slot in my schedule that I don't know what to do with. Right now, I'm in a class called Physics in the Arts, which I really want to take, and it's a required class for the Com Dis major. However, I could instead take Introduction to Programming, a grueling first semester programming course, which could put me on the Computer Science track, or take me off. This is also the class for weeding out people not serious about the major.</p>

<p>So, should I go with Intro to Programming? I don't know what's putting me off about it... but it's like, if I'm so apprehensive about this class, what makes me think I could handle the major? But I also don't want to wonder what if I had liked it, and then went with that instead. I think I just liked Physics in the Arts a little too much, because I was really looking forward to that class. =&lt;/p>

<p>I don't know why this is proving such a problem, as I think it should be obvious. Maybe today is one of those days that I feel like doing Com Dis.</p>


<p>take intro to programming right away. computer science is alot more rigorous than your other choices so youre prolly gonna want to figure out if you wanna go the cs route asap</p>

<p>^ I agree.</p>

<p>^ Thirded.</p>

<p>Intro to Programming, I’m taking it this semester and its a lot of work but also interesting. Even if you eventually major in something else, programming skills may come in handy.</p>

<p>what everyone else said. cs’s sequences have a lot more prereqs that the other 2 majors. at least thats how it is at my school</p>

<p>You’re either going to love programming or go to a few lectures, scratch your head, and say “*** am I doing here?” Most likely sooner rather than later. So, if you find yourself severely confused or uninterested within 2 weeks, you can probably drop the class. CS is definitely not for everyone, even just an “Intro to Programming” class can leave you spectacularly confused if you use the correct language plus teacher. Do you happen to know what language the class uses?</p>

<p>It’s java.</p>

<p>And I was thinking I could just drop my Norwegian class, and take programming instead. Either way I’m making a sacrifice. A friend of my has the book though, so I was thinking I’d look through the book and see if I’d even be up to it. I can also attend lecture without being in the class, too, just to test it out.</p>