A chemical engineering school I can transfer to with GPA=3.0

<p>CBE seems to suggest more of a pre-med path. CE sounds more scientific than people-oriented, but I’m not entirely positive. I mostly know that at the engineering college I go to, the CBE kids major in CBE because it’s the closest thing they can do the pre-med; then, they plan to apply to med schools.</p>

<p>It might be too late for you to not take Computer Science 1 at your school but you should reconsider if you still can since you don’t know which school you’re going to. Most ChemE programs have at least one upper division courses that makes use of a programming prerequisite so taking a programming course would be a good idea in theory. However, the problem is that some engineering schools use Matlab where others use C++ where others use Java. Say you have a really good Junior year and get into the Berkeley ChemE program. Your Java programming class would be useless because their ChemE program doesn’t care about Java and only cares about Matlab. Same problem is true with Washington State University. Their ChemE program assumes knowledge in C++. On the other hand, you’d be fine if you went to the University of Washington since their ChemE program assumes knowledge in Java.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s stupid. They should probably all use Java just because it’s probably the most popular and it makes AP Computer Science actually worth something but they don’t and that makes taking programming not worth it if you don’t know which school you’re attending.</p>

<p>To static75: Thanks for the reply. Well I’m not interested in going to med school. If there’s anything else I would do with B.S ChE degree then it would be studying/taking acturial exams and becoming an actuary.</p>

<p>To Will_S: Thanks for the info. Actually I’m taking CS I right now and it teachs Java. Some schools seem like they require transfer students to have completed at least 1 semester or 1 year of computer science sequence while others don’t require at all. But damn I gotta do some research and find out what colleges use Java.</p>

<p>Also, one more question: my school offers Partial Differential equations in spring semester. Should I take it in spring? Do chem.E programs require partial differential equations?</p>

<p>All the colleges I’ve seen require only introductory differential equations.</p>

<p>Thanks Will_S,
Sorry bothering you by asking too many questions but do you know any other good Chem.E schools that use Java you might suggest?</p>