A College Financial Aid Guide for Families Who Have Saved Nothing

<p>so we have been in denial over college costs. we had no idea that tuition had risen 4x at our state U since were were there. Times it by 4 kids, it’s a big amount that we will be paying/borrowing. We do have some savings, and some of kids will get merit scholarships, and can take out a personal loans . . . but our kids won’t be attending prestigious schools, and its going to be tough. I do NOT want my kids to have big big loans after college. </p>

<p>as a stay home parent, i shake my head at how much $ i could have made to save for college the last 15 years. However, i do know i’ve loved every minute with my kids at home. Even if i had been working, we probably would have spent the money on other things: house, cars, trips, and stuff . . . . because we had NO IDEA that college costs had risen so exponentially. this is going to be an experience!</p>