<p>I am currently a junior year nursing student at SCSU in New Haven, CT. I really don't like nursing at all. I enjoy the scientific aspects of it, but the skills and patient interaction is just not for me. I am really interested in accounting. I would like to transfer schools and become an accounting major at Uconn. I have good grades in my classes, and last year I got a 4.0. Is it too late to switch majors and transfer?</p>
<p>it should be “conundrum”</p>
<p>Thanks for the correction. I am aware of the spelling, just made a typo.</p>
<p>No it is not too late. You have pretty much any option available that you can make happen. It will cost time and money, but it sounds like now is the time to make the shift from the nursing major to something else.</p>
<p>What I don’t know is if you qualify as a transfer student to UConn - but there are likely many schools that would accept you as a transfer student. Good luck.</p>