A D in an AP class

I’m not interested in going to the UCs and I don’t have a D. However, I heard from a counselor that the UCs don’t accept Ds or Fs. I was just curious that does that mean even if you have a D in a very hard AP class with the rest are A’s , you are still not allowed to apply to a UC?

You can apply to the UC’s with a D, but it depends upon a few factors. Also a D or F in an AP class will not be weighted in the GPA calculation and the UC’s have a minimum weighted GPA to apply which is 3.0 UC capped weighted GPA for in-state applicants and 3.4 for out of state applicants.

First you have to make sure that you will have completed 11 of the 15 UC a-g course requirements at time of application. If you are lacking the minimum required a-g courses due to having a D in one of these courses, then you would not be eligible to apply.


  1. If the D or F in an English course (AP Lit or Language) then you would have to retake the D since the UC”s require 4 years of English to be completed with a C or higher grade by time of graduation and 3 years completed at time of application.

  2. UC’s do offer grade validation for D’s and F’s only for Math courses and Foreign Language. You would need to take a higher level of a Math or FL course and pass that course with a C or higher, then the D or F would be validated for the lower level Math/FL course. The problem is that if the D or F is received in 10-11th, that D/F grade would be calculated into your UC GPA if you do not repeat the course which greatly impacts your GPA.

  3. passing the 2nd semester course if the D/F was received 1st semester will also validate Math/FL courses. But again if the semester is not repeated, the D/F remains in the UC GPA calculation.

  4. If the D or F is received Senior year of HS, then any UC acceptances could be rescinded.

  5. D’s or F’s Freshman year are not calculated into your UC GPA however, you still need to pass/complete the a-g courses taken during this time or repeat if needed to meet the a-g course requirements.

@gumbymom O ok lol that sounds fair. Initially i felt bad for the people in hard AP classes haha. So people with D can still apply to Ivy League, it’s just that their chances of admission aren’t too good. Is that correct?

Acceptance rates for the top schools which includes the Ivy League schools are very low so even applicants with a 4.0 GPA, great test scores, exceptional essays and EC’s are turned away. Any applicant can apply anywhere they want as long as they meet the minimum requirements. Will they get in, odds are No.