<p>As someone who is from Illinois, is a current student at Bucknell, and lives very far from campus, I believe I can give you some insight!
<li>how far to the downtown and to the Penitentiary (I think I saw a ref to a jail in the wiki on lewisburg)?</li>
<p>Walking downtown takes about 10-15 minutes from the football field (near the library), and about 5-10 minutes from downhill (near the LC, which is where the main dining locations are on campus) </p>
<p>no one ever really worries about the penitentiary–It is far enough that I’ve heard it mentioned all of one or two times. </p>
<li>Can someone point me to the spread of states that compose the student body of Bucknell?</li>
<p>at this link: [A</a> Profile of Admitted Students || Admissions || Bucknell University](<a href=“http://www.bucknell.edu/x519.xml]A”>http://www.bucknell.edu/x519.xml) , you will find most of the statistical information that you will need. </p>
<li><p>where is the closest airport? Harrisburg, about 45 minutes away. However, I usually take the shuttle to DC or Philadelphia to catch flights. </p></li>
<li><p>is there any kind of school shuttle or transportation to the airport - or to the downtown if it is not a walk? It is a very short walk, however, with our new 29,000 square foot bookstore now downtown, there will be shuttles running from various locations on campus to downtown (i’m on student government, I’m familiar with the plans). </p></li>
<li><p>What is the extent of employers’ demand for bucknellians - specifically comp sci majors - and from what parts of the country (mostly from PA? )? This varies largely from year-to-year. Although, I can say that computer science majors from Bucknell usually do well. Specifically on employment, our alumni network is great. I speak from experience when I say this: If you’re a student here, you can get connected. As a rising sophomore, I already have connections to post-grad deans, future employers (one of which has said outright that I have a job), and plenty of others who could lead me to a potential employer. </p></li>
<li><p>how extensive is the greek life and parties at Bucknell? Greek life is very big–no lying there. However, the academics are demanding. This is by no means a party school. That said, we know how to have fun. As a parent, you’re probably aware that college is college–parties are an inherent part of the experience. But we’re very far from major cities (and the crime that comes in major cities) and have excellent safety on campus. </p></li>
<li><p>Would an extra studious student fit in ok or might he be kinda ‘out of it’? I, again, speak from experience on this question. Someone who studies frequently won’t be out of the social loop because there are plenty of others who study just as hard. I quickly became friends with other students who seemed to always be at the library. As long as your son or daughter knows how to get out and socialize, they shouldn’t have a problem. </p></li>
<li><p>I notice that Lewisburg is about 5 k people. What is the nearest big city that bucknellians might visit and about how far / hrs is it? We’re about 3 hours from Philly, NYC, and DC. So, it really comes down to how you define a big city. Most students stay on campus because we are all engrossed in what’s going on at campus. </p></li>
<p>I hope I helped to answer your questions!</p>