a few confusion about college admission and majors/minors

<p>Looking around this board, i see many people apply, declare undecided, and got accepted without declaring a major. i'm wondering if this have any effect on the admission process overall and when do colleges ask for your major beside when ask on college apps (after matriculation, during freshmen year, or later?) </p>

<p>Also, is it relatively easy to switch major if say i found out halfway through that it is a wrong major for me. Is there a specific period of time to change majors? What is the different between having double majors and having minors? Can you have more than one minor? </p>

<p>These are a few questions that i'm curious to know as i'm apply next year. Thank you for reading this. For those embarking on their journey to college, good luck and enjoy!</p>

<p>Unless you are applying for a specific program, such as engineering, which is often in a different "school" within a university, there is no harm to applying undecided. Colleges realize that 17 or 18 year olds don't know what they want to do, and they haven't been exposed to much of the learning that goes on or the opportunities they hold for careers. Most students change their majors at least once if not more often during their college careers. Many schools do not require students to declare their majors until the end of their sophomore year.</p>

<p>How easy it is to switch majors depends on the particular schools and majors. Don't worry about it yet. If you're undecided, apply to liberal arts colleges or to the College of Arts & Sciences at universities, and decide when you're in college what you want to do.</p>

<p>thank you for the reply. any more input and clarification is appreciated!</p>