<p>Which dorm are you going into? Denton or Easton?</p>
<p>No soap, except hand soap in the bathroom, and can disappear real quick, so take soap with you.</p>
<p>DS has a mini fridge…no real need for a freezer.</p>
<p>The building is the dining hall</p>
<p>Easton is a good 10-15 minute walk at least, especially since it is on the exterior of the campus and the mall is in the middle, basically the farthest dorm possible from the mall.</p>
<p>Varies room by room…DS has a hot room and has his window open, his friend has a normal room…you’re not going to catch a cold.</p>
<p>I don’t think that building in the center of the Denton community is a dining hall. I just did some research and found that that building is the catering office for Good Tydings. Quite expensive. </p>
<p>I only meant to ask about hand soap. I will be bringing body wash etc. Truthfully I’d much much rather not bring hand soap because I hate the raw feel from using soap. Hand sanitizer>soap</p>
<p>And also, are the beds regular twin or extra long? I’ve gotten mixed statements.</p>
<p>Bring hand soap…the dorms can quickly run out of it. Trust me by Sunday the bathrooms are gross. I also believe it was Easton ly that the janitors went on strike b/c the residents were pigs.</p>
<p>Bullet lived in Easton many yrs ago, and the dorms haven’t changed since then.</p>
<p>The beds are regular, but get sheets in extra-long, b/c once you put on the mattress topper it is very difficult to get the sheet over it. DS’s roommate had to fight with the mattress, whereas we got the extra long and it was like making a normal bed.</p>
<p>Bring soup. I hate the bathrooms in the dorms, especially Easton.
My friend who lives in Easton regularly reports the aroma of various recreational drugs. He once told me that his roommate *<strong><em>ed in the floor, and a girl who lived on the third floor jumped out of the window because she was too drunk.
Easton is the party dorm, beside my place, centreville, which is equally *</em></strong>ty. God bless the kids who will live in my dorm, my roommate and I haven’t cleaned that room for an entire semester. :)</p>
<p>Are you my DS’s roommate? DS says the same thing about Easton, and Bullet who went there 20 yrs ago said it was that way then. </p>
<p>DS also lives in Centreville and when he returned from Thanksgiving I just brought the stuff in and walked out…b/c I know that the box of wet swifters that his roommates Mom made him bring was never opened, probably will never be ;). They still had his roommates 6’ Halloween costume in the corner…had to laugh because the dorms are so small to start with it took up a large protion of the room. I am just glad he does his laundry.</p>
<p>BTW that is something I send our DS with…a jar of quarters to do the laundry.
Also see if you can get a loft it will make the already small room feel bigger</p>
<p>Is there soap in the bathrooms? (I’d assume so, but some of the packing lists have this item listed)</p>
<p>I don’t know why everybody is telling you to bring handsoap. I have never had a problem with the soap in the bathroom running out (wth?), but I never lived in Easton (I lived in Denton freshman year). I have heard Easton is trashier than most :p. Haha.</p>
<p>Would you recommend a mini fridge with or without a freezer?</p>
<p>Mine has a freezer…I have to admit I barely use the fridge AT ALL. So I’m probably not qualified to answer this. But once I bought ice cream and put it in the freezer. Although if you have a dining plan, no real point in buying ice cream…the dining hall ice cream is awesome. </p>
<p>What’s that building in the center of the Denton community?</p>
<p>Good research :). You are correct :). There were plans to turn it into a “mini” dining hall, actually. That never went through? I guess the budget cuts prevented it!</p>
<p>How long does it take to walk from Easton to the ‘mall’?</p>
<p>15 mintues I would say. It is the farthest dorm, definitely. </p>
<p>Is the heater strong in the winter? How many degrees?</p>
<p>I didn’t notice it being too weak or too strong. It was just right for me. Now, the summer, is a different story…I lived in Denton and it was so hot without AC I couldn’t fall asleep many nights. Bring lots of good, high quality fans…two for the window…one for your bed…one for your desk…haha. Although it sounds like you’re moving in this spring so it won’t be an issue until next year ;).</p>