A few LOR questions

<p>I'm applying to quite a few colleges on the Common App. website, but I am confused about the letters of recommendation. My first question is one regarding the professor evaluations. How do they fill out this form online. Do they need to use a PDF editor with text editing capabilities and then upload it to the website somehow? My second question is about non-academic LOR's. I was a precinct captain and youth organizer for the Obama campaign this fall and because my major will be International Affairs/Relations depending on the school, I think it would be a great idea to send a LOR from my field organizer. He lives in D.C. and I am living in Iowa. Is there any way for him to also fill out a LOR online or does he need to write one out and mail it to the school, and if so, do I need to contact admissions by email to get the address for that or is it listed somewhere on the Common App. website? I would feel terrible burdening the guy with all that work but will if it is absolutely necessary. </p>

<p>Thanks for the advice,</p>


<p>Your teachers can opt-out of the online recommendation if they wish, and they can mail in paper copies. That’s what all of my teachers did. If they want to do it online, I would assume that filling out their form would be comparable in structure to filling out the CommonApp, and that uploading documents would work for .doc and .txt files as well.</p>

<p>As for your other recommendation, the recs for CommonApp are strictly for teachers. Each specific school will tell you whether or not you can send in other recs and in what format to do so. They probably specify this at their admissions websites.</p>