A few questions about PC

Hey everyone,

i just have a few questions about PC that I would appreciate an answer to.

  1. What's the social scene like?
  2. What's the dating scene like?
  3. How much of a party school would you say PC is?
  4. Do people take their academics seriously? How reggerous is the school's academics?
  5. Why did you choose PC?

That’s about it. Look forward to your responses.

I am a current sophomore at PC! Hopefully I can offer you some answers to your questions,

  1. The social scene is pretty good: there are a lot of clubs and extracurricular activities to get involved with on campus. Intramural and club sports are pretty popular as well. Downtown Providence is a short bus ride away, where you can shop at Providence Place or go out to eat. Friars Club and Board of Programmers are the two biggest/selective clubs, but overall there are many ways to get involved.
  2. Hookup culture is pretty big, but I know a good amount of people that are in committed relationships.
  3. I would say PC is a party school, but it’s what you make of it. There’s usually a party somewhere during weekends, on campus or on Eaton Street, but not everyone is into that. PC also hosts events on campus throughout the semester.
  4. For the most part, I would say yes. In terms of academics, it definitely depends on the subject matter/major. I’m a part of the business school and would say that there are indeed some challenging classes, but it varies.
  5. I chose PC because of the sense of community that I felt when I visited. I could just tell that I would be more than a number here and I’m so glad that I decided on it.