A few questions for current students...

<p>In making preparations for DS to start in August...is there a Wachovia ATM on campus?
What is the nearest pharmacy and is it walking distance (or shuttle)?
Do you have a rug in your dorm room and if so, how large is it?
Do boys carry those bucket type things down the hall to the bathroom or is there something else the students use?
If you need to go to the health center, but have your own insurance through your family, how does that work?
What is a Miami experience seminar offered Fall semester?

<p>A UM mom here (one week till graduation!) that can answer a few of your questions. </p>

<p>I believe the only ATMs on campus are the University Credit Union and Bank of America. There is a Wachovia branch near the Sunset Place mall. There will be reps from the credit union and BOA on campus during move-in to help students open accounts, if wanted.
Banking</a> | University of Miami</p>

<p>There is a Walgreens right across the street from campus (very easy walking distance). There is also a pharmacy at the health center that can fill scripts written by them or a home physician. Basic medical visits and labs like strep tests and urinalysis are offered free of charge to all students. If a student requires more extensive care, they will be charged and get a receipt to submit to their insurance carrier. S has used the health center a few times over the years and we have been satisfied with his care.
Student</a> Health Center | University of Miami</p>

<p>S and RM did get a rug for their room. RM's parents took them to Walmart or Home Depot and picked up one that was about 6X9 to go between their beds/desks after that closet area. This was for Hecht, Stanford is the same. You will get more housing info this summer that will include info on vendors that sell dorm rugs on campus during move-in. Here is a link to the room layouts.
Room</a> Layouts | University of Miami</p>

<p>As far as shower buckets, my S had one but I don't think he carried it to the showers. I think he kept his toiletries in it in his room but just carried them loose to the bathroom. Boys can be weird.;)</p>

<p>Here is a thread with links to a lot of info about the logistics of moving to UM. There are some great old threads so you may want to go back through this forum and check them out.
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/324676-new-um-parents-logistics-moving-your-s-d.html?highlight=logistics%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/324676-new-um-parents-logistics-moving-your-s-d.html?highlight=logistics&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>S has loved his time at UM (so did we!), I hope your S does, too. If I can be of any help, please let me know.</p>

<p>There isn't a Wachovia on campus and the nearest branch is not close. Bank of America has an ATM on campus, the University Credit Union is on campus, and a Citibank branch is across the street next to blockbuster and CVS.<br>
I don't have a rug but many of my friends do. It is really a matter of personal preference and there are vendors selling rugs on campus during orientation like my 3 sons said.
I have many guy friends who do use a shower bucket for their toiletries. It is easier to just keep everything in that to bring to the shower and it is also easy to store in your room. I'd say buy one because it will be used for something.
There are both UMX courses and seminar courses. UMX courses are 1 credit classes that help students get adjusted to life at UM. They offer some extra advising and some tips on succeeding.<br>
Seminar courses are 3 credit courses that are capped at about 15-20 people. I recommend taking a seminar course because you will meet people more easily because it is a small class that encourages discussion. The seminars are also on pretty interesting topics taught by good professors.</p>