<p>Im an incoming freshman that will be attending The Honors College at Miami-Dade(one of the best recognized community college programs out there). I'm also slated to major in Business Administration. I have hopes of transferring to UVA for my third year. I plan on getting an MBA later on and establishing my own company one day(one dealing with banking, investments, insurance, firms and that sort of thing). If not, I don't mind working for a reputable corporation.</p>
<p>I understand BA has many sub-sections or branches(like finance, marketing,etc...). Does a BBA major come equipped with all of these branches or is each branch a separate degree? What I'm trying to say is, will someone taking BA(like me, for example) have to take classes in marketing, finance, account, etc... Or are those type of business branches separate degrees altogether from Business Administration? OR does someone majoring in BA do one year covering all general branches before picking a specialization in the second year? I've been reading around and I don't understand why people say Business Administration is "broad" or "general"? Also, there have been people saying that a BBA is a worthless/useless degree and that getting an MBA with a BBA is pointless for some reason. Why exactly do people say this?</p>
<p>Well I don’t know about your school but for most schools a degree in business administration will entail of everything from marketing to accounting. People call it very broad because you really don’t master marketing, finance, accounting, etc. as a person that specialized in that field would have; thus the degree in business administration ends up being quite useless. It seems people would rather have a person that specializes in something rather than a “jack of trade but a master of none”.</p>
<p>From my understanding, the letters behind the degree can be different based on the school. When people talk about a Bachelor’s in Business Administration being useless, they’re talking about not really picking a concentration, going with general business which is a is taking classes across the different concentrations instead of Accounting, Finance, or Marketing. When someone says they have a degree in Finance, they really mean they have a BS/BA in Business Administration or BBA with a concentration in Finance, but Bachelor’s in Finance is shorter and easier to say.</p>
<p>In your 1st 2 years, you’ll most likely have to take Intro to Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Macroeconomics, and Microeconomics. You’ll likely have a Calculus class and at least one Statistics class in there too. After you take those, you’d apply to the school of business. Keep your grades up because they have GPA requirements for getting in. I’d think all business programs have a business core that all business majors are required to take whether the letters are BBA, BS, or BA. Those courses are intro courses to all different areas of business such as Finance, Marketing, Management Information Systems. and HR Management. You’ll also have your concentration which would be the 3 I mentioned above, Management, HR Management, MIS, and sometimes Supply Chain or Operations Management. There’s also General Business which is, like people say, worthless.</p>