<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>Thanks for taking the time to read my post. On the NYU website, it says I can just send three AP scores and that will completely satisfy the standardized testing requirement (I'm not applying to Stern). </p>
<p>Would the AP scores be self-reported or would I have to send them a transcript from CB? Is there some kind of score choice? What exactly is the process?</p>
<p>I'm kind of in a dilemma, because I have two 5s (Statistics and English Language) but a 3 on European History. Would that hurt my chances? I have a 3.7/4.0 unweighted GPA, if that helps. Thanks :)</p>
<p>If you have not listed as NYU as an official recipient of the AP exam results when you registered for the exams, then you have to contact College Boards to request that an official AP exam score report be sent to NYU.</p>
<p>I believe all AP exam scores are sent (no score choice). Also, score choice is irrelevant to you because you only have three AP exam scores to send, no? Your two 5s are excellent and they will help a little to bring up the average for all AP exam scores. I think you still will be considered seriously, especially if you can make sure other parts of your application can be as strong as possible, ECs, essay, short answers, recommendations, etc.</p>
<p>Is there really no disadvantage in sending AP scores instead of SAT/ACT? It’s just such a new practice; I feel a little weird using AP scores for admissions. lol</p>
<p>NYU has indicated that they are not prejudicial towards any one type of standardized score over another and you should take their word for it. Unless you think you can do better in other standardized test options, I would just send the AP exam scores.</p>